Module hxl.model
Main data-model classes for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL).
This module defines the basic classes for working with HXL data. Other modules have classes derived from these (e.g. in hxl.filters or hxl.input). The core class is Dataset, which defines the operations available on a HXL dataset, including convenience methods for chaining filters.
Typical usage:
source ="")
# returns a hxl.model.Dataset object
result = source.with_lines("#country+name=Kenya").sort()
# a filtered/sorted view of the data
This code is released into the Public Domain and comes with NO WARRANTY.
Expand source code
"""Main data-model classes for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL).
This module defines the basic classes for working with HXL data. Other
modules have classes derived from these (e.g. in
[hxl.filters](filters.html) or [hxl.input](io.html)). The core class is
[Dataset](#hxl.model.Dataset), which defines the operations available
on a HXL dataset, including convenience methods for chaining filters.
Typical usage:
source ="")
# returns a hxl.model.Dataset object
result = source.with_lines("#country+name=Kenya").sort()
# a filtered/sorted view of the data
This code is released into the Public Domain and comes with NO WARRANTY.
import abc, copy, csv, dateutil, hashlib, json, logging, operator, re, six
import hxl
from hxl.util import logup
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Cut off for fuzzy detection of a hashtag row
# At least this percentage of cells must parse as HXL hashtags
class TagPattern(object):
"""Pattern for matching a HXL hashtag and attributes
- the pattern "#*" matches any hashtag/attribute combination
- the pattern "#*+foo" matches any hashtag with the foo attribute
- the pattern "#tag" matches #tag with any attributes
- the pattern "#tag+foo" matches #tag with foo among its attributes
- the pattern "#tag-foo" matches #tag with foo *not* among its attributes
- the pattern "#tag+foo-bar" matches #tag with foo but not bar
- the pattern "#tag+foo+bar!" matches #tag with exactly the attributes foo and bar, but *no others*
The normal way to create a tag pattern is using the
[parse()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse) method rather than the
pattern = hxl.model.TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children")
tag: the basic hashtag (without attributes)
include_attributes: a list of attributes that must be present
exclude_attributes: a list of attributes that must not be present
is_absolute: if True, no attributes are allowed except those in _include_attributes_
PATTERN = r'^\s*#?({token}|\*)((?:\s*[+-]{token})*)\s*(!)?\s*$'.format(token=hxl.datatypes.TOKEN_PATTERN)
"""Constant: regular expression to match a HXL tag pattern.
def __init__(self, tag, include_attributes=[], exclude_attributes=[], is_absolute=False):
self.tag = tag
self.include_attributes = set(include_attributes)
"""Set of all attributes that must be present"""
self.exclude_attributes = set(exclude_attributes)
"""Set of all attributes that must not be present"""
self.is_absolute = is_absolute
"""True if this pattern is absolute (no extra attributes allowed)"""
def is_wildcard(self):
return self.tag == '#*'
def match(self, column):
"""Check whether a Column matches this pattern.
@param column: the column to check
@returns: True if the column is a match
if column.tag and (self.is_wildcard() or self.tag == column.tag):
# all include_attributes must be present
if self.include_attributes:
for attribute in self.include_attributes:
if attribute not in column.attributes:
return False
# all exclude_attributes must be absent
if self.exclude_attributes:
for attribute in self.exclude_attributes:
if attribute in column.attributes:
return False
# if absolute, then only specified attributes may be present
if self.is_absolute:
for attribute in column.attributes:
if attribute not in self.include_attributes:
return False
return True
return False
def get_matching_columns(self, columns):
"""Return a list of columns that match the pattern.
@param columns: a list of L{hxl.model.Column} objects
@returns: a list (possibly empty)
result = []
for column in columns:
if self.match(column):
return result
def find_column_index(self, columns):
"""Get the index of the first matching column.
@param columns: a list of columns to check
@returns: the 0-based index of the first matching column, or None for no match
for i in range(len(columns)):
if self.match(columns[i]):
return i
return None
def find_column(self, columns):
"""Check whether there is a match in a list of columns."""
for column in columns:
if self.match(column):
return column
return None
def __repr__(self):
s = self.tag
if self.include_attributes:
for attribute in self.include_attributes:
s += '+' + attribute
if self.exclude_attributes:
for attribute in self.exclude_attributes:
s += '-' + attribute
return s
__str__ = __repr__
def parse(s):
"""Parse a single tag-pattern string.
pattern = TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children")
The [parse_list()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list) method
will call this method to parse multiple patterns at once.
s: the tag-pattern string to parse
A TagPattern object
if not s:
# edge case: null value
raise hxl.HXLException('Attempt to parse empty tag pattern')
elif isinstance(s, TagPattern):
# edge case: already parsed
return s
result = re.match(TagPattern.PATTERN, s)
if result:
tag = '#' +
include_attributes = set()
exclude_attributes = set()
attribute_specs = re.split(r'\s*([+-])',
for i in range(1, len(attribute_specs), 2):
if attribute_specs[i] == '+':
include_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower())
exclude_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower())
if == '!':
is_absolute = True
if exclude_attributes:
raise ValueError('Exclusions not allowed in absolute patterns')
is_absolute = False
return TagPattern(
raise hxl.HXLException('Malformed tag: ' + s)
def parse_list(specs):
"""Parse a list of tag-pattern strings.
If _specs_ is a list of already-parsed TagPattern objects, do
nothing. If it's a list of strings, apply
[parse()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse) to each one. If it's a
single string with multiple patterns separated by commas,
split the string, then parse the patterns.
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f,#inneed+f")
# or
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f", "#inneed+f")
specs: the raw input (a list of strings, or a single string with commas separating the patterns)
A list of TagPattern objects.
if not specs:
return []
if isinstance(specs, six.string_types):
specs = specs.split(',')
return [TagPattern.parse(spec) for spec in specs]
def match_list(column, patterns):
"""Test if a column matches any of the patterns in a list.
This is convenient to use together with [parse_list()](hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list):
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(["#affected+f", "#inneed+f"])
if TagPattern.match_list(column, patterns):
print("The column matched one of the patterns")
column: the column to test
patterns: a list of zero or more patterns.
True if there is a match
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern.match(column):
return True
return False
class Dataset(object):
"""Abstract base class for a HXL data source.
Any source of parsed HXL data inherits from this class: that
includes Dataset, HXLReader, and the various filters in the
hxl.old_filters package. The contract of a Dataset is that it will
provide a columns property and a next() method to read through the
The child class must implement the columns() method as a property
and the __iter__() method to make itself iterable.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
def __iter__(self):
"""Get the iterator over the rows.
@returns: an iterator that returns L{hxl.model.Row} objects
raise RuntimeException("child class must implement __iter__() method")
def is_cached(self):
"""Test whether the source data is cached (replayable).
By default, this is False, but some subclasses may override.
@returns: C{True} if the input is cached (replayable); C{False} otherwise.
return False
def columns(self):
"""Get the column definitions for the dataset.
@returns: a list of Column objects.
raise RuntimeException("child class must implement columns property method")
def columns_hash(self):
"""Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset.
This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of
the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the
HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two
different months or two different countries).
It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of
attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is
normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The
MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of
each header.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
return hxl.Column.hash_list(self.columns)
def data_hash(self):
"""Generate a hash for the entire dataset.
This function allows checking if two HXL datasets are
functionally identical. It takes into account text headers,
hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of
columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated
as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a
UTF-8 encoded version of each header and data cell.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
md5 = hashlib.md5()
# text header row
for column in self.columns:
# hashtag row
for column in self.columns:
# data rows
for row in self:
for value in row:
return md5.hexdigest()
def headers(self):
"""Return a list of header strings (for a spreadsheet row).
return [column.header if column else '' for column in self.columns]
def tags(self):
"""Get all hashtags (without attributes) as a list
@returns: a list of base hashtags for the dataset columns
return [column.tag if column else '' for column in self.columns]
def display_tags(self):
"""Return a list of display tags.
@returns: a list of strings containing the hashtag and attributes for each column
return [column.display_tag if column else '' for column in self.columns]
def has_headers(self):
"""Report whether any non-empty header strings exist.
@returns: C{True} if there is at least one column with a non-empty header string
for column in self.columns:
if column.header:
return True
return False
def values(self):
"""Get all values for the dataset at once, in an array of arrays.
This method can be highly inefficient for large datasets.
@returns: an array of arrays of scalar values
return [row.values for row in self]
def get_value_set(self, tag_pattern=None, normalise=False):
"""Return the set of all values in a dataset (optionally matching a tag pattern for a single column)
Warning: this method can be highly inefficient for large datasets.
@param tag_pattern: (optional) return values only for columns matching this tag pattern.
@param normalise: (optional) normalise the strings with hxl.datatypes.normalise (default: False)
@returns: a Python set of values
value_set = set([])
if tag_pattern:
tag_pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag_pattern)
for row in self:
if tag_pattern:
new_values = row.get_all(tag_pattern)
new_values = row.values
if normalise:
new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise(s) for s in new_values]
new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(s) for s in new_values]
return value_set
def get_column_indices(self, tag_patterns, columns):
"""Get a list of indices that match the tag patterns provided
@param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list
@param columns: a list of columns
@returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(tag_patterns)
indices = []
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern.match(column):
return indices
# Aggregates
def _get_minmax(self, pattern, op):
"""Calculate the extreme min/max value for a tag pattern
Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns.
Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found.
@param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match
@param op: operator_lt or operator_gt
@returns: the extreme value according to operator supplied, or None if no values found
pattern = TagPattern.parse(pattern)
result_raw = None # what's actually in the dataset
result_normalised = None # normalised version for comparison
# Look at every row
for row in self:
# Look at every matching value in every row
for i, value in enumerate(row.get_all(pattern)):
# ignore empty values
if hxl.datatypes.is_empty(value):
# make a normalised value for comparison
normalised = hxl.datatypes.normalise(value, row.columns[i])
# first non-empty value is always a match
if result_normalised is None:
result_raw = value
result_normalised = normalised
# try comparing the normalised types first, then strings on failure
if op(normalised, result_normalised):
result_raw = value
result_normalised = normalised
except TypeError:
if op(str(normalised), str(result_normalised)):
result_raw = value
result_normalised = normalised
return result_raw
def min(self, pattern):
"""Calculate the minimum value for a tag pattern
Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns.
Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found.
@param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match
@returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found
return self._get_minmax(pattern,
def max(self, pattern):
"""Calculate the maximum value for a tag pattern
Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns.
@param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match
@returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found
return self._get_minmax(pattern,
# Utility
def validate(self, schema=None, callback=None):
Validate the current dataset.
@param schema (optional) the pre-compiled schema, schema filename, URL, file object, etc. Defaults to a built-in schema.
@param callback (optional) a function to call with each error or warning. Defaults to collecting errors in an array and returning them.
return hxl.schema(schema, callback).validate(self)
def recipe(self, recipe):
"""Parse a recipe (JSON or a list of dicts) and create the appropriate filters.
@param recipe: a list of dicts, a single dict, or a JSON literal string.
@return: the new end filter.
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.from_recipe(self, recipe)
# Filters
def append(self, append_sources, add_columns=True, queries=[]):
"""Append additional datasets.
@param append_sources: a list of sources to append
@param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources
@param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources.
@returns: a new HXL source for chaining
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries)
def append_external_list(self, source_list_url, add_columns=True, queries=[]):
"""Append additional datasets from an external list
@param source_list_url: URL of a HXL dataset containing a list of sources to append.
@param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources.
@param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources.
@returns: a new HXL source for chaining
import hxl.filters
logup('Loading append list', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug')
logger.debug("Loading append list from %s...", source_list_url)
append_sources = hxl.filters.AppendFilter.parse_external_source_list(source_list_url)
logup('Done loading', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug')
logger.debug("Done loading")
return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries)
def cache(self):
"""Add a caching filter to the dataset."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.CacheFilter(self)
def dedup(self, patterns=[], queries=[]):
"""Deduplicate a dataset."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.DeduplicationFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries)
def with_columns(self, includes):
"""Select matching columns."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, include_tags=includes)
def without_columns(self, excludes=None, skip_untagged=False):
"""Select non-matching columns."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, exclude_tags=excludes, skip_untagged=skip_untagged)
def with_rows(self, queries, mask=[]):
"""Select matching rows.
@param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to include
@param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all)
@return: a filtered version of the source
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=False, mask=mask)
def without_rows(self, queries, mask=[]):
"""Select non-matching rows.
@param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to ignore
@param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all)
@return: a filtered version of the source
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=True, mask=mask)
def sort(self, keys=None, reverse=False):
"""Sort the dataset (caching)."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.SortFilter(self, tags=keys, reverse=reverse)
def count(self, patterns=[], aggregators=None, queries=[]):
"""Count values in the dataset (caching)."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.CountFilter(
self, patterns=patterns, aggregators=aggregators, queries=queries
def row_counter(self, queries=[]):
"""Count the number of rows while streaming."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.RowCountFilter(self, queries=queries)
def replace_data(self, original, replacement, pattern=None, use_regex=False, queries=[]):
"""Replace values in a HXL dataset."""
import hxl.filters
replacement = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement(original, replacement, pattern, use_regex)
return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, [replacement], queries=queries)
def replace_data_map(self, map_source, queries=[]):
"""Replace values in a HXL dataset."""
import hxl.filters
replacements = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement.parse_map(
return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, replacements, queries=queries)
def add_columns(self, specs, before=False):
"""Add fixed-value columns to a HXL dataset."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.AddColumnsFilter(self, specs=specs, before=before)
def rename_columns(self, specs):
"""Changes headers and tags on a column."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.RenameFilter(self, specs)
def clean_data(
self, whitespace=[], upper=[], lower=[], date=[], date_format=None,
number=[], number_format=None, latlon=[], purge=False, queries=[]
"""Clean data fields."""
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.CleanDataFilter(
date=date, date_format=date_format,
number=number, number_format=number_format,
def merge_data(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace=False, overwrite=False, queries=[]):
"""Merges values from a second dataset.
@param merge_source: the second HXL data source
@param keys: a single tagspec or list of tagspecs for the shared keys
@param tags: the tags to copy over from the second dataset
@param replace: if True, replace existing columns when present
@param overwrite: if True, overwrite individual values in existing columns when available
@param queries: optional row queries to control the merge
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.MergeDataFilter(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace, overwrite, queries=queries)
def expand_lists(self, patterns=None, separator="|", correlate=False, queries=[]):
"""Expand lists by repeating rows.
By default, applies to every column with a +list attribute, and uses "|" as the separator.
@param patterns: a single tag pattern or list of tag patterns for columns to expand
@param separator: the list-item separator
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.ExpandListsFilter(self, patterns=patterns, separator=separator, correlate=correlate, queries=queries)
def explode(self, header_attribute='header', value_attribute='value'):
"""Explodes a wide dataset into a long datasets.
@param header_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former header (default 'header')
@param value_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former value (default 'value')
@return: filtered dataset.
@see hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter(self, header_attribute, value_attribute)
def implode(self, label_pattern, value_pattern):
"""Implodes a long dataset into a wide dataset
@param label_pattern: the tag pattern to match the label column
@param value_pattern: the tag pattern to match the
@return: filtered dataset.
@see hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter(self, label_pattern=label_pattern, value_pattern=value_pattern)
def jsonpath(self, path, patterns=[], queries=[], use_json=True):
"""Parse the value as a JSON expression and extract data from it.
@param path: a JSONPath expression for extracting data
@param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to use (default to all)
@param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for the rows to consider.
@param use_json: if True, serialise multiple results as JSON lists.
@returns: filtered dataset
@see: hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter(self, path, patterns=patterns, queries=queries, use_json=use_json)
def fill_data(self, patterns=[], queries=[]):
"""Fills empty cells in a column using the last non-empty value.
@param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to fill (default to all)
@param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to fill (leave any blank that don't match).
@return filtered dataset
@see hxl.filters.FillFilter
import hxl.filters
return hxl.filters.FillDataFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries)
# Generators
def gen_raw(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True):
"""Generate an array representation of a HXL dataset, one at a time."""
if show_headers:
yield self.headers
if show_tags:
yield self.display_tags
for row in self:
yield row.values
def gen_csv(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True):
"""Generate a CSV representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time."""
class TextOut:
"""Simple string output source to capture CSV"""
def __init__(self): = ''
def write(self, s): += s
def get(self):
data = = ''
return data
output = TextOut()
writer = csv.writer(output)
for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags):
yield output.get()
def gen_json(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False):
"""Generate a JSON representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time."""
is_first = True
yield "[\n"
if use_objects:
for row in self:
if is_first:
is_first = False
yield json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
yield ",\n" + json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags):
if is_first:
is_first = False
yield json.dumps(raw)
yield ",\n" + json.dumps(raw)
yield "\n]\n"
class Column(object):
The definition of a logical column in the HXL data.
# Regular expression to match a HXL tag
PATTERN = r'^\s*(#{token})((?:\s*\+{token})*)\s*$'.format(token=hxl.datatypes.TOKEN_PATTERN)
# To tighten debugging (may reconsider later -- not really a question of memory efficiency here)
__slots__ = ['tag', 'attributes', 'attribute_list', 'header', 'column_number']
def __init__(self, tag=None, attributes=(), header=None, column_number=None):
Initialise a column definition.
@param tag: the HXL hashtag for the column (default: None)
@param attributes: (optional) a sequence of attributes (default: ())
@param header: (optional) the original plaintext header for the column (default: None)
@param column_number: (optional) the zero-based column number
if tag:
tag = tag.lower()
self.tag = tag
self.header = header
self.column_number = column_number
self.attributes = set([a.lower() for a in attributes])
self.attribute_list = [a.lower() for a in attributes] # to preserve order
def display_tag(self):
"""Default display version of a HXL hashtag.
Attributes are not sorted.
return self.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=False)
def get_display_tag(self, sort_attributes=False):
Generate a display version of the column hashtag
@param sort_attributes: if True, sort attributes; otherwise, preserve the original order
@return the reassembled HXL hashtag string, including language code
if self.tag:
s = self.tag
for attribute in sorted(self.attribute_list) if sort_attributes else self.attribute_list:
s += '+' + attribute
return s
return ''
def has_attribute(self, attribute):
"""Check if an attribute is present."""
return (attribute in self.attribute_list)
def add_attribute(self, attribute):
"""Add an attribute to the column."""
if attribute not in self.attributes:
return self
def remove_attribute(self, attribute):
"""Remove an attribute from the column."""
if attribute in self.attributes:
return self
def __hash__(self):
"""Make columns usable in a dictionary.
Only the hashtag and attributes are used.
hash_value = hash(self.tag)
for attribute in self.attributes:
hash_value += hash(attribute)
return hash_value
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Test for comparison with another object.
For equality, only the hashtag and attributes have to be the same."""
return (self.tag == other.tag and self.attributes == other.attributes)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return self.display_tag
__str__ = __repr__
def hash_list(columns):
"""Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset.
This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of
the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the
HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two
different months or two different countries).
It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of
attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is
normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The
MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of
each header.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
md5 = hashlib.md5()
for column in columns:
for column in columns:
return md5.hexdigest()
def parse(raw_string, header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None):
""" Attempt to parse a full hashtag specification.
@param raw_string: the string representation of the tagspec
@param header: the text header to include
@param use_exception: if True, throw an exception for a malformed tagspec
@returns: None if the string is empty, False if it's malformed (and use_exception is False), or a Column object otherwise
# Already parsed?
if isinstance(raw_string, Column):
return raw_string
# Empty string?
if hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string):
return None
# Pattern for a single tag
result = re.match(Column.PATTERN, raw_string)
if result:
tag =
attribute_string =
if attribute_string:
attributes = re.split(r'\s*\+', attribute_string.strip().strip('+'))
attributes = []
return Column(tag=tag, attributes=attributes, header=header, column_number=column_number)
if use_exception:
raise hxl.HXLException("Malformed tag expression: " + raw_string)
logup('Not a HXL hashtag spec', {"string": raw_string}, level='debug')
logger.debug("Not a HXL hashtag spec: %s", raw_string)
return False
def parse_spec(raw_string, default_header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None):
"""Attempt to parse a single-string header/hashtag spec"""
# Already parsed?
if isinstance(raw_string, Column):
return raw_string
matches = re.match(r'^(.*)(#.*)$', raw_string)
if matches:
header = if else default_header
return Column.parse(, header=header, column_number=column_number)
return Column.parse('#' + raw_string, header=default_header, column_number=column_number)
def parse_list(raw_row, previous_row=None):
"""Try parsing a raw data row as a HXL hashtag row.
raw_row (list): a raw row from a ``hxl.input.AbstractInput`` object
previous_row (list): the previous raw row, for extracting headers
list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects if successfully parsed; None otherwise.
# how many values we've seen
nonEmptyCount = 0
# the logical column number
hashtags_found = 0
columns = []
failed_hashtags = []
for source_column_number, raw_string in enumerate(raw_row):
if previous_row and source_column_number < len(previous_row):
header = previous_row[source_column_number]
header = None
if not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string):
raw_string = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(raw_string)
nonEmptyCount += 1
column = hxl.model.Column.parse(raw_string, header=header, column_number=source_column_number)
if column:
hashtags_found += 1
elif column is False:
columns.append(hxl.model.Column(header=header, column_number=source_column_number))
# Have we seen at least FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE?
if (nonEmptyCount > 0) and ((hashtags_found/float(nonEmptyCount)) >= FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE):
if len(failed_hashtags) > 0:
logup('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs', {"hastags": ', '.join(failed_hashtags)}, level='error')
logger.error('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs: %s', ', '.join(failed_hashtags))
return columns
return None
class Row(object):
""" An iterable row of values in a HXL dataset.
If a value is part of a merged area, and not in the top left position, it will be a MergedCell object.
# Predefine the slots for efficiency (may reconsider later)
__slots__ = ['columns', 'values', 'row_number', 'source_row_number']
def __init__(self, columns, values=[], row_number=None, source_row_number=None):
Set up a new row.
@param columns: The column definitions (array of Column objects).
@param values: (optional) The string values for the row (default: [])
@param row_number: (optional) The zero-based logical row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None)
@param source_row_number: (optional) The zero-based source row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None)
self.columns = columns
self.values = copy.copy(values)
self.row_number = row_number
self.source_row_number = source_row_number
def append(self, value):
Append a value to the row.
@param value The new value to append.
@return The new value
return value
def get(self, tag, index=None, default=None, parsed=False):
Get a single value for a tag in a row.
If no index is provided ("None"), return the first non-empty value.
@param tag: A TagPattern or a string value for a tag.
@param index: The zero-based index if there are multiple values for the tag (default: None)
@param default: The default value if not found (default: None). Never parsed, even if parsed=True
@param parsed: If true, use attributes as hints to try to parse the value (e.g. number, list, date)
@return The value found, or the default value provided. If parsed=True, the return value will be a list (default: False)
# FIXME - move externally, use for get_all as well, and support numbers and dates
def parse(column, value):
if parsed:
if column.has_attribute('list'):
return re.split(r'\s*,\s*', value)
return [value]
return value
if type(tag) is TagPattern:
pattern = tag
pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag)
for i, column in enumerate(self.columns):
if i >= len(self.values):
if pattern.match(column):
if index is None:
# None (the default) is a special case: it means look
# for the first truthy value
if self.values[i]:
return parse(column, self.values[i])
# Otherwise, look for a specific index
if index == 0:
return parse(column, self.values[i])
index = index - 1
return default
def get_all(self, tag, default=None):
Get all values for a specific tag in a row
@param tag A TagPattern or a string value for a tag.
@return An array of values for the HXL hashtag.
if type(tag) is TagPattern:
pattern = tag
pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag)
result = []
for i, column in enumerate(self.columns):
if i >= len(self.values):
if pattern.match(column):
value = self.values[i]
if default is not None and not value:
value = default
return result
def key(self, patterns=None, indices=None):
"""Generate a unique key tuple for the row, based on a list of tag patterns
@param patterns: a list of L{TagPattern} objects, or a parseable string
@returns: the key as a tuple (might be empty)
key = []
# if the user doesn't provide indices, get indices from the pattern
if not indices and patterns:
indices = get_column_indices(patterns, self.columns)
if indices:
# if we have indices, use them to build the key
for i in indices:
if i < len(self.values):
key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(self.values[i], self.columns[i]))
# if there are still no indices, use the whole row for the key
for i, value in enumerate(self.values):
key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(value, self.columns[i]))
return tuple(key) # make it into a tuple so that it's hashable
def dictionary(self):
"""Return the row as a Python dict.
The keys will be HXL hashtags and attributes, normalised per HXL 1.1.
If two or more columns have the same hashtags and attributes, only the first will be included.
@return: The row as a Python dictionary.
data = {}
for i, col in enumerate(self.columns):
key = col.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=True)
if key and (not key in data) and (i < len(self.values)):
data[key] = self.values[i]
return data
def __getitem__(self, index):
Array-access method to make this class iterable.
@param index The zero-based index of a value to look up.
@return The value if it exists.
@exception IndexError if the index is out of range.
return self.values[index]
def __str__(self):
Create a string representation of a row for debugging.
s = '<Row';
for column_number, value in enumerate(self.values):
s += "\n " + str(self.columns[column_number]) + "=" + str(value)
s += "\n>"
return s
class RowQuery(object):
"""Query to execute against a row of HXL data."""
def __init__(self, pattern, op, value, is_aggregate=False):
@param pattern: the L{TagPattern} to match in the row
@param op: the operator function to use for comparison
@param value: the value to compare against
@param is_aggregate: if True, the value is a special placeholder like "min" or "max" that needs to be calculated
self.pattern = TagPattern.parse(pattern)
self.op = op
self.value = value
# if the value is a formula, extract it
self.formula = None
result = re.match(r'^{{(.+)}}$', hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value))
if result:
self.formula =
self.needs_aggregate = False
"""Need to calculate an aggregate value"""
if is_aggregate:
self.needs_aggregate = True
# calculate later
self.date_value = None
self.number_value = None
self._saved_indices = None
def calc_aggregate(self, dataset):
"""Calculate the aggregate value that we need for the row query
Substitute the special values "min" and "max" with aggregates.
@param dataset: the HXL dataset to use (must be cached)
if not self.needs_aggregate:
logup('no aggregate calculation needed', level='warning')
logger.warning("no aggregate calculation needed")
return # no need to calculate
if not dataset.is_cached:
raise HXLException("need a cached dataset for calculating an aggregate value")
if self.value == 'min':
self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern)
self.op = operator.eq
elif self.value == 'max':
self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern)
self.op = operator.eq
elif self.value == 'not min':
self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern)
self.op =
elif self.value == 'not max':
self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern)
self.op =
raise HXLException("Unrecognised aggregate: {}".format(value))
self.needs_aggregate = False
def match_row(self, row):
"""Check if a key-value pair appears in a HXL row"""
# fail if we need an aggregate and haven't calculated it
if self.needs_aggregate and not self.aggregate_is_calculated:
raise HXLException("must call calc_aggregate before matching an 'is min' or 'is max' condition")
# initialise is this is the first time matching for the row query
if self._saved_indices is None or self.formula:
# if it's a row formula, evaluate first
if self.formula:
value = hxl.formulas.eval.eval(row, self.formula)
value = self.value
if self.pattern.tag == '#date':
self.date_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value)
except ValueError:
self.date_value = None
self.number_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value)
except ValueError:
self.number_value = None
self.string_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value)
# try all the matching column values
indices = self._get_saved_indices(row.columns)
for i in indices:
if i < len(row.values) and self.match_value(row.values[i], self.op):
return True
return False
def match_value(self, value, op):
"""Try matching as dates, then as numbers, then as simple strings"""
if self.date_value is not None:
return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value), self.date_value)
except ValueError:
if self.number_value is not None:
return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value), self.number_value)
return self.op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value), self.string_value)
def _get_saved_indices(self, columns):
"""Cache the column tests, so that we run them only once."""
# FIXME - assuming that the columns never change
self._saved_indices = []
for i in range(len(columns)):
if self.pattern.match(columns[i]):
return self._saved_indices
def parse(query):
"""Parse a filter expression"""
if isinstance(query, RowQuery):
# already parsed
return query
parts = re.split(r'([<>]=?|!?=|!?~|\bis\b)', hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(query), maxsplit=1)
pattern = TagPattern.parse(parts[0])
op_name = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[1])
op = RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP.get(op_name)
value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[2])
is_aggregate = False
# special handling for aggregates (FIXME)
if op_name == 'is' and value in ('min', 'max', 'not min', 'not max'):
is_aggregate = True
return RowQuery(pattern, op, value, is_aggregate)
def parse_list(queries):
"""Parse a single query spec or a list of specs."""
if queries:
if not hasattr(queries, '__len__') or isinstance(queries, six.string_types):
# make a list if needed
queries = [queries]
return [hxl.model.RowQuery.parse(query) for query in queries]
return []
def match_list(row, queries=None, reverse=False):
"""See if any query in a list matches a row."""
if not queries:
# no queries = pass
return True
# otherwise, must match at least one
for query in queries:
if query.match_row(row):
return not reverse
return reverse
def operator_re(s, pattern):
"""Regular-expression comparison operator."""
return, s)
def operator_nre(s, pattern):
"""Regular-expression negative comparison operator."""
return not, s)
def operator_is(s, condition):
"""Advanced tests
Note: this won't be called for aggregate values like "is min" or "is not max";
for these, the aggregate will already be calculated, and a simple comparison
operator substituted by L{calc_aggregate}.
if condition == 'empty':
return hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s)
elif condition == 'not empty':
return not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s)
elif condition == 'number':
return hxl.datatypes.is_number(s)
elif condition == 'not number':
return not hxl.datatypes.is_number(s)
elif condition == 'date':
return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s))
elif condition == 'not date':
return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s) is False)
raise hxl.HXLException('Unknown is condition: {}'.format(condition))
# Constant map of comparison operators
'=': operator.eq,
'<=': operator.le,
# Static functions
def get_column_indices(tag_patterns, columns):
"""Get a list of column indices that match the tag patterns provided
@param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list
@param columns: a list of columns
@returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices
tag_patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(tag_patterns)
columns = [Column.parse(column) for column in columns]
indices = []
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
for pattern in tag_patterns:
if pattern.match(column):
return indices
# Extra static initialisation
RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP['~'] = RowQuery.operator_re
RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP['!~'] = RowQuery.operator_nre
RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP['is'] = RowQuery.operator_is
# end
def get_column_indices(tag_patterns, columns)
Get a list of column indices that match the tag patterns provided @param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list @param columns: a list of columns @returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices
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def get_column_indices(tag_patterns, columns): """Get a list of column indices that match the tag patterns provided @param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list @param columns: a list of columns @returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices """ tag_patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(tag_patterns) columns = [Column.parse(column) for column in columns] indices = [] for i, column in enumerate(columns): for pattern in tag_patterns: if pattern.match(column): indices.append(i) return indices
class Column (tag=None, attributes=(), header=None, column_number=None)
The definition of a logical column in the HXL data.
Initialise a column definition. @param tag: the HXL hashtag for the column (default: None) @param attributes: (optional) a sequence of attributes (default: ()) @param header: (optional) the original plaintext header for the column (default: None) @param column_number: (optional) the zero-based column number
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class Column(object): """ The definition of a logical column in the HXL data. """ # Regular expression to match a HXL tag PATTERN = r'^\s*(#{token})((?:\s*\+{token})*)\s*$'.format(token=hxl.datatypes.TOKEN_PATTERN) # To tighten debugging (may reconsider later -- not really a question of memory efficiency here) __slots__ = ['tag', 'attributes', 'attribute_list', 'header', 'column_number'] def __init__(self, tag=None, attributes=(), header=None, column_number=None): """ Initialise a column definition. @param tag: the HXL hashtag for the column (default: None) @param attributes: (optional) a sequence of attributes (default: ()) @param header: (optional) the original plaintext header for the column (default: None) @param column_number: (optional) the zero-based column number """ if tag: tag = tag.lower() self.tag = tag self.header = header self.column_number = column_number self.attributes = set([a.lower() for a in attributes]) self.attribute_list = [a.lower() for a in attributes] # to preserve order @property def display_tag(self): """Default display version of a HXL hashtag. Attributes are not sorted. """ return self.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=False) def get_display_tag(self, sort_attributes=False): """ Generate a display version of the column hashtag @param sort_attributes: if True, sort attributes; otherwise, preserve the original order @return the reassembled HXL hashtag string, including language code """ if self.tag: s = self.tag for attribute in sorted(self.attribute_list) if sort_attributes else self.attribute_list: s += '+' + attribute return s else: return '' def has_attribute(self, attribute): """Check if an attribute is present.""" return (attribute in self.attribute_list) def add_attribute(self, attribute): """Add an attribute to the column.""" if attribute not in self.attributes: self.attributes.add(attribute) self.attribute_list.append(attribute) return self def remove_attribute(self, attribute): """Remove an attribute from the column.""" if attribute in self.attributes: self.attributes.remove(attribute) self.attribute_list.remove(attribute) return self def __hash__(self): """Make columns usable in a dictionary. Only the hashtag and attributes are used. """ hash_value = hash(self.tag) for attribute in self.attributes: hash_value += hash(attribute) return hash_value def __eq__(self, other): """Test for comparison with another object. For equality, only the hashtag and attributes have to be the same.""" try: return (self.tag == other.tag and self.attributes == other.attributes) except: return False def __repr__(self): return self.display_tag __str__ = __repr__ @staticmethod def hash_list(columns): """Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset. This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries). It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ md5 = hashlib.md5() for column in columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.header).encode('utf-8')) for column in columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.display_tag).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() @staticmethod def parse(raw_string, header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None): """ Attempt to parse a full hashtag specification. @param raw_string: the string representation of the tagspec @param header: the text header to include @param use_exception: if True, throw an exception for a malformed tagspec @returns: None if the string is empty, False if it's malformed (and use_exception is False), or a Column object otherwise """ # Already parsed? if isinstance(raw_string, Column): return raw_string # Empty string? if hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string): return None # Pattern for a single tag result = re.match(Column.PATTERN, raw_string) if result: tag = attribute_string = if attribute_string: attributes = re.split(r'\s*\+', attribute_string.strip().strip('+')) else: attributes = [] return Column(tag=tag, attributes=attributes, header=header, column_number=column_number) else: if use_exception: raise hxl.HXLException("Malformed tag expression: " + raw_string) else: logup('Not a HXL hashtag spec', {"string": raw_string}, level='debug') logger.debug("Not a HXL hashtag spec: %s", raw_string) return False @staticmethod def parse_spec(raw_string, default_header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None): """Attempt to parse a single-string header/hashtag spec""" # Already parsed? if isinstance(raw_string, Column): return raw_string matches = re.match(r'^(.*)(#.*)$', raw_string) if matches: header = if else default_header return Column.parse(, header=header, column_number=column_number) else: return Column.parse('#' + raw_string, header=default_header, column_number=column_number) @staticmethod def parse_list(raw_row, previous_row=None): """Try parsing a raw data row as a HXL hashtag row. Args: raw_row (list): a raw row from a ``hxl.input.AbstractInput`` object previous_row (list): the previous raw row, for extracting headers Returns: list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects if successfully parsed; None otherwise. """ # how many values we've seen nonEmptyCount = 0 # the logical column number hashtags_found = 0 columns = [] failed_hashtags = [] for source_column_number, raw_string in enumerate(raw_row): if previous_row and source_column_number < len(previous_row): header = previous_row[source_column_number] else: header = None if not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string): raw_string = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(raw_string) nonEmptyCount += 1 column = hxl.model.Column.parse(raw_string, header=header, column_number=source_column_number) if column: columns.append(column) hashtags_found += 1 continue elif column is False: failed_hashtags.append(raw_string) columns.append(hxl.model.Column(header=header, column_number=source_column_number)) # Have we seen at least FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE? if (nonEmptyCount > 0) and ((hashtags_found/float(nonEmptyCount)) >= FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE): if len(failed_hashtags) > 0: logup('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs', {"hastags": ', '.join(failed_hashtags)}, level='error') logger.error('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs: %s', ', '.join(failed_hashtags)) return columns else: return None
Class variables
Static methods
def hash_list(columns)
Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset.
This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries).
It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
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@staticmethod def hash_list(columns): """Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset. This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries). It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ md5 = hashlib.md5() for column in columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.header).encode('utf-8')) for column in columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.display_tag).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest()
def parse(raw_string, header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None)
Attempt to parse a full hashtag specification. @param raw_string: the string representation of the tagspec @param header: the text header to include @param use_exception: if True, throw an exception for a malformed tagspec @returns: None if the string is empty, False if it's malformed (and use_exception is False), or a Column object otherwise
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@staticmethod def parse(raw_string, header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None): """ Attempt to parse a full hashtag specification. @param raw_string: the string representation of the tagspec @param header: the text header to include @param use_exception: if True, throw an exception for a malformed tagspec @returns: None if the string is empty, False if it's malformed (and use_exception is False), or a Column object otherwise """ # Already parsed? if isinstance(raw_string, Column): return raw_string # Empty string? if hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string): return None # Pattern for a single tag result = re.match(Column.PATTERN, raw_string) if result: tag = attribute_string = if attribute_string: attributes = re.split(r'\s*\+', attribute_string.strip().strip('+')) else: attributes = [] return Column(tag=tag, attributes=attributes, header=header, column_number=column_number) else: if use_exception: raise hxl.HXLException("Malformed tag expression: " + raw_string) else: logup('Not a HXL hashtag spec', {"string": raw_string}, level='debug') logger.debug("Not a HXL hashtag spec: %s", raw_string) return False
def parse_list(raw_row, previous_row=None)
Try parsing a raw data row as a HXL hashtag row.
- a raw row from a
object previous_row
- the previous raw row, for extracting headers
- a list of hxl.model.Column objects if successfully parsed; None otherwise.
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@staticmethod def parse_list(raw_row, previous_row=None): """Try parsing a raw data row as a HXL hashtag row. Args: raw_row (list): a raw row from a ``hxl.input.AbstractInput`` object previous_row (list): the previous raw row, for extracting headers Returns: list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects if successfully parsed; None otherwise. """ # how many values we've seen nonEmptyCount = 0 # the logical column number hashtags_found = 0 columns = [] failed_hashtags = [] for source_column_number, raw_string in enumerate(raw_row): if previous_row and source_column_number < len(previous_row): header = previous_row[source_column_number] else: header = None if not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(raw_string): raw_string = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(raw_string) nonEmptyCount += 1 column = hxl.model.Column.parse(raw_string, header=header, column_number=source_column_number) if column: columns.append(column) hashtags_found += 1 continue elif column is False: failed_hashtags.append(raw_string) columns.append(hxl.model.Column(header=header, column_number=source_column_number)) # Have we seen at least FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE? if (nonEmptyCount > 0) and ((hashtags_found/float(nonEmptyCount)) >= FUZZY_HASHTAG_PERCENTAGE): if len(failed_hashtags) > 0: logup('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs', {"hastags": ', '.join(failed_hashtags)}, level='error') logger.error('Skipping column(s) with malformed hashtag specs: %s', ', '.join(failed_hashtags)) return columns else: return None
def parse_spec(raw_string, default_header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None)
Attempt to parse a single-string header/hashtag spec
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@staticmethod def parse_spec(raw_string, default_header=None, use_exception=False, column_number=None): """Attempt to parse a single-string header/hashtag spec""" # Already parsed? if isinstance(raw_string, Column): return raw_string matches = re.match(r'^(.*)(#.*)$', raw_string) if matches: header = if else default_header return Column.parse(, header=header, column_number=column_number) else: return Column.parse('#' + raw_string, header=default_header, column_number=column_number)
Instance variables
var attribute_list
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var attributes
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var column_number
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var display_tag
Default display version of a HXL hashtag. Attributes are not sorted.
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@property def display_tag(self): """Default display version of a HXL hashtag. Attributes are not sorted. """ return self.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=False)
var header
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var tag
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def add_attribute(self, attribute)
Add an attribute to the column.
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def add_attribute(self, attribute): """Add an attribute to the column.""" if attribute not in self.attributes: self.attributes.add(attribute) self.attribute_list.append(attribute) return self
def get_display_tag(self, sort_attributes=False)
Generate a display version of the column hashtag @param sort_attributes: if True, sort attributes; otherwise, preserve the original order @return the reassembled HXL hashtag string, including language code
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def get_display_tag(self, sort_attributes=False): """ Generate a display version of the column hashtag @param sort_attributes: if True, sort attributes; otherwise, preserve the original order @return the reassembled HXL hashtag string, including language code """ if self.tag: s = self.tag for attribute in sorted(self.attribute_list) if sort_attributes else self.attribute_list: s += '+' + attribute return s else: return ''
def has_attribute(self, attribute)
Check if an attribute is present.
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def has_attribute(self, attribute): """Check if an attribute is present.""" return (attribute in self.attribute_list)
def remove_attribute(self, attribute)
Remove an attribute from the column.
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def remove_attribute(self, attribute): """Remove an attribute from the column.""" if attribute in self.attributes: self.attributes.remove(attribute) self.attribute_list.remove(attribute) return self
class Dataset
Abstract base class for a HXL data source.
Any source of parsed HXL data inherits from this class: that includes Dataset, HXLReader, and the various filters in the hxl.old_filters package. The contract of a Dataset is that it will provide a columns property and a next() method to read through the rows.
The child class must implement the columns() method as a property and the iter() method to make itself iterable.
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class Dataset(object): """Abstract base class for a HXL data source. Any source of parsed HXL data inherits from this class: that includes Dataset, HXLReader, and the various filters in the hxl.old_filters package. The contract of a Dataset is that it will provide a columns property and a next() method to read through the rows. The child class must implement the columns() method as a property and the __iter__() method to make itself iterable. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super().__init__() @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """Get the iterator over the rows. @returns: an iterator that returns L{hxl.model.Row} objects """ raise RuntimeException("child class must implement __iter__() method") @property def is_cached(self): """Test whether the source data is cached (replayable). By default, this is False, but some subclasses may override. @returns: C{True} if the input is cached (replayable); C{False} otherwise. """ return False @property @abc.abstractmethod def columns(self): """Get the column definitions for the dataset. @returns: a list of Column objects. """ raise RuntimeException("child class must implement columns property method") @property def columns_hash(self): """Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset. This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries). It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ return hxl.Column.hash_list(self.columns) @property def data_hash(self): """Generate a hash for the entire dataset. This function allows checking if two HXL datasets are functionally identical. It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header and data cell. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ md5 = hashlib.md5() # text header row for column in self.columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.header).encode('utf-8')) # hashtag row for column in self.columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.display_tag).encode('utf-8')) # data rows for row in self: for value in row: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() @property def headers(self): """Return a list of header strings (for a spreadsheet row). """ return [column.header if column else '' for column in self.columns] @property def tags(self): """Get all hashtags (without attributes) as a list @returns: a list of base hashtags for the dataset columns """ return [column.tag if column else '' for column in self.columns] @property def display_tags(self): """Return a list of display tags. @returns: a list of strings containing the hashtag and attributes for each column """ return [column.display_tag if column else '' for column in self.columns] @property def has_headers(self): """Report whether any non-empty header strings exist. @returns: C{True} if there is at least one column with a non-empty header string """ for column in self.columns: if column.header: return True return False @property def values(self): """Get all values for the dataset at once, in an array of arrays. This method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @returns: an array of arrays of scalar values """ return [row.values for row in self] def get_value_set(self, tag_pattern=None, normalise=False): """Return the set of all values in a dataset (optionally matching a tag pattern for a single column) Warning: this method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @param tag_pattern: (optional) return values only for columns matching this tag pattern. @param normalise: (optional) normalise the strings with hxl.datatypes.normalise (default: False) @returns: a Python set of values """ value_set = set([]) if tag_pattern: tag_pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag_pattern) for row in self: if tag_pattern: new_values = row.get_all(tag_pattern) else: new_values = row.values if normalise: new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise(s) for s in new_values] else: new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(s) for s in new_values] value_set.update(new_values) return value_set def get_column_indices(self, tag_patterns, columns): """Get a list of indices that match the tag patterns provided @param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list @param columns: a list of columns @returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices """ patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(tag_patterns) indices = [] for i, column in enumerate(columns): for pattern in patterns: if pattern.match(column): indices.push(i) return indices # # Aggregates # def _get_minmax(self, pattern, op): """Calculate the extreme min/max value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @param op: operator_lt or operator_gt @returns: the extreme value according to operator supplied, or None if no values found """ pattern = TagPattern.parse(pattern) result_raw = None # what's actually in the dataset result_normalised = None # normalised version for comparison # Look at every row for row in self: # Look at every matching value in every row for i, value in enumerate(row.get_all(pattern)): # ignore empty values if hxl.datatypes.is_empty(value): continue # make a normalised value for comparison normalised = hxl.datatypes.normalise(value, row.columns[i]) # first non-empty value is always a match if result_normalised is None: result_raw = value result_normalised = normalised else: # try comparing the normalised types first, then strings on failure try: if op(normalised, result_normalised): result_raw = value result_normalised = normalised except TypeError: if op(str(normalised), str(result_normalised)): result_raw = value result_normalised = normalised return result_raw def min(self, pattern): """Calculate the minimum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found """ return self._get_minmax(pattern, def max(self, pattern): """Calculate the maximum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found """ return self._get_minmax(pattern, # # Utility # def validate(self, schema=None, callback=None): """ Validate the current dataset. @param schema (optional) the pre-compiled schema, schema filename, URL, file object, etc. Defaults to a built-in schema. @param callback (optional) a function to call with each error or warning. Defaults to collecting errors in an array and returning them. """ return hxl.schema(schema, callback).validate(self) def recipe(self, recipe): """Parse a recipe (JSON or a list of dicts) and create the appropriate filters. @param recipe: a list of dicts, a single dict, or a JSON literal string. @return: the new end filter. """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.from_recipe(self, recipe) # # Filters # def append(self, append_sources, add_columns=True, queries=[]): """Append additional datasets. @param append_sources: a list of sources to append @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries) def append_external_list(self, source_list_url, add_columns=True, queries=[]): """Append additional datasets from an external list @param source_list_url: URL of a HXL dataset containing a list of sources to append. @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources. @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining """ import hxl.filters logup('Loading append list', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug') logger.debug("Loading append list from %s...", source_list_url) append_sources = hxl.filters.AppendFilter.parse_external_source_list(source_list_url) logup('Done loading', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug') logger.debug("Done loading") return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries) def cache(self): """Add a caching filter to the dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CacheFilter(self) def dedup(self, patterns=[], queries=[]): """Deduplicate a dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.DeduplicationFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries) def with_columns(self, includes): """Select matching columns.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, include_tags=includes) def without_columns(self, excludes=None, skip_untagged=False): """Select non-matching columns.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, exclude_tags=excludes, skip_untagged=skip_untagged) def with_rows(self, queries, mask=[]): """Select matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to include @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=False, mask=mask) def without_rows(self, queries, mask=[]): """Select non-matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to ignore @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=True, mask=mask) def sort(self, keys=None, reverse=False): """Sort the dataset (caching).""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.SortFilter(self, tags=keys, reverse=reverse) def count(self, patterns=[], aggregators=None, queries=[]): """Count values in the dataset (caching).""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CountFilter( self, patterns=patterns, aggregators=aggregators, queries=queries ) def row_counter(self, queries=[]): """Count the number of rows while streaming.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowCountFilter(self, queries=queries) def replace_data(self, original, replacement, pattern=None, use_regex=False, queries=[]): """Replace values in a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters replacement = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement(original, replacement, pattern, use_regex) return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, [replacement], queries=queries) def replace_data_map(self, map_source, queries=[]): """Replace values in a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters replacements = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement.parse_map( return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, replacements, queries=queries) def add_columns(self, specs, before=False): """Add fixed-value columns to a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.AddColumnsFilter(self, specs=specs, before=before) def rename_columns(self, specs): """Changes headers and tags on a column.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RenameFilter(self, specs) def clean_data( self, whitespace=[], upper=[], lower=[], date=[], date_format=None, number=[], number_format=None, latlon=[], purge=False, queries=[] ): """Clean data fields.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CleanDataFilter( self, whitespace=whitespace, upper=upper, lower=lower, date=date, date_format=date_format, number=number, number_format=number_format, latlon=latlon, purge=purge, queries=queries ) def merge_data(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace=False, overwrite=False, queries=[]): """Merges values from a second dataset. @param merge_source: the second HXL data source @param keys: a single tagspec or list of tagspecs for the shared keys @param tags: the tags to copy over from the second dataset @param replace: if True, replace existing columns when present @param overwrite: if True, overwrite individual values in existing columns when available @param queries: optional row queries to control the merge """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.MergeDataFilter(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace, overwrite, queries=queries) def expand_lists(self, patterns=None, separator="|", correlate=False, queries=[]): """Expand lists by repeating rows. By default, applies to every column with a +list attribute, and uses "|" as the separator. @param patterns: a single tag pattern or list of tag patterns for columns to expand @param separator: the list-item separator """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ExpandListsFilter(self, patterns=patterns, separator=separator, correlate=correlate, queries=queries) def explode(self, header_attribute='header', value_attribute='value'): """Explodes a wide dataset into a long datasets. @param header_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former header (default 'header') @param value_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former value (default 'value') @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter(self, header_attribute, value_attribute) def implode(self, label_pattern, value_pattern): """Implodes a long dataset into a wide dataset @param label_pattern: the tag pattern to match the label column @param value_pattern: the tag pattern to match the @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter(self, label_pattern=label_pattern, value_pattern=value_pattern) def jsonpath(self, path, patterns=[], queries=[], use_json=True): """Parse the value as a JSON expression and extract data from it. See @param path: a JSONPath expression for extracting data @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to use (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for the rows to consider. @param use_json: if True, serialise multiple results as JSON lists. @returns: filtered dataset @see: hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter(self, path, patterns=patterns, queries=queries, use_json=use_json) def fill_data(self, patterns=[], queries=[]): """Fills empty cells in a column using the last non-empty value. @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to fill (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to fill (leave any blank that don't match). @return filtered dataset @see hxl.filters.FillFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.FillDataFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries) # # Generators # def gen_raw(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True): """Generate an array representation of a HXL dataset, one at a time.""" if show_headers: yield self.headers if show_tags: yield self.display_tags for row in self: yield row.values def gen_csv(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True): """Generate a CSV representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.""" class TextOut: """Simple string output source to capture CSV""" def __init__(self): = '' def write(self, s): += s def get(self): data = = '' return data output = TextOut() writer = csv.writer(output) for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags): writer.writerow(raw) yield output.get() def gen_json(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False): """Generate a JSON representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.""" is_first = True yield "[\n" if use_objects: for row in self: if is_first: is_first = False yield json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: yield ",\n" + json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags): if is_first: is_first = False yield json.dumps(raw) else: yield ",\n" + json.dumps(raw) yield "\n]\n"
Instance variables
var columns
Get the column definitions for the dataset. @returns: a list of Column objects.
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@property @abc.abstractmethod def columns(self): """Get the column definitions for the dataset. @returns: a list of Column objects. """ raise RuntimeException("child class must implement columns property method")
var columns_hash
Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset.
This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries).
It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
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@property def columns_hash(self): """Generate a hash across all of the columns in the dataset. This function helps detect whether two HXL documents are of the same type, even if they contain different data (e.g. the HXL API output for the same humanitarian dataset in two different months or two different countries). It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ return hxl.Column.hash_list(self.columns)
var data_hash
Generate a hash for the entire dataset.
This function allows checking if two HXL datasets are functionally identical. It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header and data cell.
@returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string
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@property def data_hash(self): """Generate a hash for the entire dataset. This function allows checking if two HXL datasets are functionally identical. It takes into account text headers, hashtags, the order of attributes, and the order of columns. Whitespace is normalised, and null values are treated as empty strings. The MD5 hash digest is generated from a UTF-8 encoded version of each header and data cell. @returns: a 32-character hex-formatted MD5 hash string """ md5 = hashlib.md5() # text header row for column in self.columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.header).encode('utf-8')) # hashtag row for column in self.columns: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(column.display_tag).encode('utf-8')) # data rows for row in self: for value in row: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest()
Return a list of display tags. @returns: a list of strings containing the hashtag and attributes for each column
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@property def display_tags(self): """Return a list of display tags. @returns: a list of strings containing the hashtag and attributes for each column """ return [column.display_tag if column else '' for column in self.columns]
var has_headers
Report whether any non-empty header strings exist. @returns: C{True} if there is at least one column with a non-empty header string
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@property def has_headers(self): """Report whether any non-empty header strings exist. @returns: C{True} if there is at least one column with a non-empty header string """ for column in self.columns: if column.header: return True return False
var headers
Return a list of header strings (for a spreadsheet row).
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@property def headers(self): """Return a list of header strings (for a spreadsheet row). """ return [column.header if column else '' for column in self.columns]
var is_cached
Test whether the source data is cached (replayable). By default, this is False, but some subclasses may override. @returns: C{True} if the input is cached (replayable); C{False} otherwise.
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@property def is_cached(self): """Test whether the source data is cached (replayable). By default, this is False, but some subclasses may override. @returns: C{True} if the input is cached (replayable); C{False} otherwise. """ return False
Get all hashtags (without attributes) as a list @returns: a list of base hashtags for the dataset columns
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@property def tags(self): """Get all hashtags (without attributes) as a list @returns: a list of base hashtags for the dataset columns """ return [column.tag if column else '' for column in self.columns]
var values
Get all values for the dataset at once, in an array of arrays. This method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @returns: an array of arrays of scalar values
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@property def values(self): """Get all values for the dataset at once, in an array of arrays. This method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @returns: an array of arrays of scalar values """ return [row.values for row in self]
def add_columns(self, specs, before=False)
Add fixed-value columns to a HXL dataset.
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def add_columns(self, specs, before=False): """Add fixed-value columns to a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.AddColumnsFilter(self, specs=specs, before=before)
def append(self, append_sources, add_columns=True, queries=[])
Append additional datasets. @param append_sources: a list of sources to append @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining
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def append(self, append_sources, add_columns=True, queries=[]): """Append additional datasets. @param append_sources: a list of sources to append @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries)
def append_external_list(self, source_list_url, add_columns=True, queries=[])
Append additional datasets from an external list @param source_list_url: URL of a HXL dataset containing a list of sources to append. @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources. @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining
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def append_external_list(self, source_list_url, add_columns=True, queries=[]): """Append additional datasets from an external list @param source_list_url: URL of a HXL dataset containing a list of sources to append. @param add_columns: if True (default), include any extra columns in the append sources. @param queries: a list of row queries to select rows for inclusion from the append sources. @returns: a new HXL source for chaining """ import hxl.filters logup('Loading append list', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug') logger.debug("Loading append list from %s...", source_list_url) append_sources = hxl.filters.AppendFilter.parse_external_source_list(source_list_url) logup('Done loading', {"list": source_list_url}, level='debug') logger.debug("Done loading") return hxl.filters.AppendFilter(self, append_sources, add_columns=add_columns, queries=queries)
def cache(self)
Add a caching filter to the dataset.
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def cache(self): """Add a caching filter to the dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CacheFilter(self)
def clean_data(self, whitespace=[], upper=[], lower=[], date=[], date_format=None, number=[], number_format=None, latlon=[], purge=False, queries=[])
Clean data fields.
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def clean_data( self, whitespace=[], upper=[], lower=[], date=[], date_format=None, number=[], number_format=None, latlon=[], purge=False, queries=[] ): """Clean data fields.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CleanDataFilter( self, whitespace=whitespace, upper=upper, lower=lower, date=date, date_format=date_format, number=number, number_format=number_format, latlon=latlon, purge=purge, queries=queries )
def count(self, patterns=[], aggregators=None, queries=[])
Count values in the dataset (caching).
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def count(self, patterns=[], aggregators=None, queries=[]): """Count values in the dataset (caching).""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.CountFilter( self, patterns=patterns, aggregators=aggregators, queries=queries )
def dedup(self, patterns=[], queries=[])
Deduplicate a dataset.
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def dedup(self, patterns=[], queries=[]): """Deduplicate a dataset.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.DeduplicationFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries)
def expand_lists(self, patterns=None, separator='|', correlate=False, queries=[])
Expand lists by repeating rows. By default, applies to every column with a +list attribute, and uses "|" as the separator. @param patterns: a single tag pattern or list of tag patterns for columns to expand @param separator: the list-item separator
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def expand_lists(self, patterns=None, separator="|", correlate=False, queries=[]): """Expand lists by repeating rows. By default, applies to every column with a +list attribute, and uses "|" as the separator. @param patterns: a single tag pattern or list of tag patterns for columns to expand @param separator: the list-item separator """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ExpandListsFilter(self, patterns=patterns, separator=separator, correlate=correlate, queries=queries)
def explode(self, header_attribute='header', value_attribute='value')
Explodes a wide dataset into a long datasets. @param header_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former header (default 'header') @param value_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former value (default 'value') @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter
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def explode(self, header_attribute='header', value_attribute='value'): """Explodes a wide dataset into a long datasets. @param header_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former header (default 'header') @param value_attribute: the attribute to add to the hashtag of the column with the former value (default 'value') @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ExplodeFilter(self, header_attribute, value_attribute)
def fill_data(self, patterns=[], queries=[])
Fills empty cells in a column using the last non-empty value. @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to fill (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to fill (leave any blank that don't match). @return filtered dataset @see hxl.filters.FillFilter
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def fill_data(self, patterns=[], queries=[]): """Fills empty cells in a column using the last non-empty value. @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to fill (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to fill (leave any blank that don't match). @return filtered dataset @see hxl.filters.FillFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.FillDataFilter(self, patterns=patterns, queries=queries)
def gen_csv(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True)
Generate a CSV representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.
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def gen_csv(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True): """Generate a CSV representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.""" class TextOut: """Simple string output source to capture CSV""" def __init__(self): = '' def write(self, s): += s def get(self): data = = '' return data output = TextOut() writer = csv.writer(output) for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags): writer.writerow(raw) yield output.get()
def gen_json(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False)
Generate a JSON representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.
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def gen_json(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False): """Generate a JSON representation of a HXL dataset, one row at a time.""" is_first = True yield "[\n" if use_objects: for row in self: if is_first: is_first = False yield json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: yield ",\n" + json.dumps(row.dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: for raw in self.gen_raw(show_headers, show_tags): if is_first: is_first = False yield json.dumps(raw) else: yield ",\n" + json.dumps(raw) yield "\n]\n"
def gen_raw(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True)
Generate an array representation of a HXL dataset, one at a time.
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def gen_raw(self, show_headers=True, show_tags=True): """Generate an array representation of a HXL dataset, one at a time.""" if show_headers: yield self.headers if show_tags: yield self.display_tags for row in self: yield row.values
def get_column_indices(self, tag_patterns, columns)
Get a list of indices that match the tag patterns provided @param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list @param columns: a list of columns @returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices
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def get_column_indices(self, tag_patterns, columns): """Get a list of indices that match the tag patterns provided @param tag_patterns: a list of tag patterns or a string version of the list @param columns: a list of columns @returns: a (possibly-empty) list of 0-based indices """ patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(tag_patterns) indices = [] for i, column in enumerate(columns): for pattern in patterns: if pattern.match(column): indices.push(i) return indices
def get_value_set(self, tag_pattern=None, normalise=False)
Return the set of all values in a dataset (optionally matching a tag pattern for a single column) Warning: this method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @param tag_pattern: (optional) return values only for columns matching this tag pattern. @param normalise: (optional) normalise the strings with hxl.datatypes.normalise (default: False) @returns: a Python set of values
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def get_value_set(self, tag_pattern=None, normalise=False): """Return the set of all values in a dataset (optionally matching a tag pattern for a single column) Warning: this method can be highly inefficient for large datasets. @param tag_pattern: (optional) return values only for columns matching this tag pattern. @param normalise: (optional) normalise the strings with hxl.datatypes.normalise (default: False) @returns: a Python set of values """ value_set = set([]) if tag_pattern: tag_pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag_pattern) for row in self: if tag_pattern: new_values = row.get_all(tag_pattern) else: new_values = row.values if normalise: new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise(s) for s in new_values] else: new_values = [hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(s) for s in new_values] value_set.update(new_values) return value_set
def implode(self, label_pattern, value_pattern)
Implodes a long dataset into a wide dataset @param label_pattern: the tag pattern to match the label column @param value_pattern: the tag pattern to match the @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter
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def implode(self, label_pattern, value_pattern): """Implodes a long dataset into a wide dataset @param label_pattern: the tag pattern to match the label column @param value_pattern: the tag pattern to match the @return: filtered dataset. @see hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ImplodeFilter(self, label_pattern=label_pattern, value_pattern=value_pattern)
def jsonpath(self, path, patterns=[], queries=[], use_json=True)
Parse the value as a JSON expression and extract data from it. See @param path: a JSONPath expression for extracting data @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to use (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for the rows to consider. @param use_json: if True, serialise multiple results as JSON lists. @returns: filtered dataset @see: hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter
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def jsonpath(self, path, patterns=[], queries=[], use_json=True): """Parse the value as a JSON expression and extract data from it. See @param path: a JSONPath expression for extracting data @param patterns: a tag pattern or list of patterns for the columns to use (default to all) @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for the rows to consider. @param use_json: if True, serialise multiple results as JSON lists. @returns: filtered dataset @see: hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.JSONPathFilter(self, path, patterns=patterns, queries=queries, use_json=use_json)
def max(self, pattern)
Calculate the maximum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found
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def max(self, pattern): """Calculate the maximum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found """ return self._get_minmax(pattern,
def merge_data(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace=False, overwrite=False, queries=[])
Merges values from a second dataset. @param merge_source: the second HXL data source @param keys: a single tagspec or list of tagspecs for the shared keys @param tags: the tags to copy over from the second dataset @param replace: if True, replace existing columns when present @param overwrite: if True, overwrite individual values in existing columns when available @param queries: optional row queries to control the merge
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def merge_data(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace=False, overwrite=False, queries=[]): """Merges values from a second dataset. @param merge_source: the second HXL data source @param keys: a single tagspec or list of tagspecs for the shared keys @param tags: the tags to copy over from the second dataset @param replace: if True, replace existing columns when present @param overwrite: if True, overwrite individual values in existing columns when available @param queries: optional row queries to control the merge """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.MergeDataFilter(self, merge_source, keys, tags, replace, overwrite, queries=queries)
def min(self, pattern)
Calculate the minimum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found
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def min(self, pattern): """Calculate the minimum value for a tag pattern Will iterate through the dataset, and use values from multiple matching columns. Uses numbers, dates, or strings for comparison, based on the first non-empty value found. @param pattern: the L{hxl.model.TagPattern} to match @returns: the minimum value according to the '<' operator, or None if no values found """ return self._get_minmax(pattern,
def recipe(self, recipe)
Parse a recipe (JSON or a list of dicts) and create the appropriate filters. @param recipe: a list of dicts, a single dict, or a JSON literal string. @return: the new end filter.
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def recipe(self, recipe): """Parse a recipe (JSON or a list of dicts) and create the appropriate filters. @param recipe: a list of dicts, a single dict, or a JSON literal string. @return: the new end filter. """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.from_recipe(self, recipe)
def rename_columns(self, specs)
Changes headers and tags on a column.
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def rename_columns(self, specs): """Changes headers and tags on a column.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RenameFilter(self, specs)
def replace_data(self, original, replacement, pattern=None, use_regex=False, queries=[])
Replace values in a HXL dataset.
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def replace_data(self, original, replacement, pattern=None, use_regex=False, queries=[]): """Replace values in a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters replacement = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement(original, replacement, pattern, use_regex) return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, [replacement], queries=queries)
def replace_data_map(self, map_source, queries=[])
Replace values in a HXL dataset.
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def replace_data_map(self, map_source, queries=[]): """Replace values in a HXL dataset.""" import hxl.filters replacements = hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter.Replacement.parse_map( return hxl.filters.ReplaceDataFilter(self, replacements, queries=queries)
def row_counter(self, queries=[])
Count the number of rows while streaming.
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def row_counter(self, queries=[]): """Count the number of rows while streaming.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowCountFilter(self, queries=queries)
def sort(self, keys=None, reverse=False)
Sort the dataset (caching).
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def sort(self, keys=None, reverse=False): """Sort the dataset (caching).""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.SortFilter(self, tags=keys, reverse=reverse)
def validate(self, schema=None, callback=None)
Validate the current dataset. @param schema (optional) the pre-compiled schema, schema filename, URL, file object, etc. Defaults to a built-in schema. @param callback (optional) a function to call with each error or warning. Defaults to collecting errors in an array and returning them.
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def validate(self, schema=None, callback=None): """ Validate the current dataset. @param schema (optional) the pre-compiled schema, schema filename, URL, file object, etc. Defaults to a built-in schema. @param callback (optional) a function to call with each error or warning. Defaults to collecting errors in an array and returning them. """ return hxl.schema(schema, callback).validate(self)
def with_columns(self, includes)
Select matching columns.
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def with_columns(self, includes): """Select matching columns.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, include_tags=includes)
def with_rows(self, queries, mask=[])
Select matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to include @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source
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def with_rows(self, queries, mask=[]): """Select matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to include @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=False, mask=mask)
def without_columns(self, excludes=None, skip_untagged=False)
Select non-matching columns.
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def without_columns(self, excludes=None, skip_untagged=False): """Select non-matching columns.""" import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.ColumnFilter(self, exclude_tags=excludes, skip_untagged=skip_untagged)
def without_rows(self, queries, mask=[])
Select non-matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to ignore @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source
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def without_rows(self, queries, mask=[]): """Select non-matching rows. @param queries: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to ignore @param mask: a predicate or list of predicates for rows to test (default: [] to test all) @return: a filtered version of the source """ import hxl.filters return hxl.filters.RowFilter(self, queries=queries, reverse=True, mask=mask)
class Row (columns, values=[], row_number=None, source_row_number=None)
An iterable row of values in a HXL dataset.
If a value is part of a merged area, and not in the top left position, it will be a MergedCell object.
Set up a new row. @param columns: The column definitions (array of Column objects). @param values: (optional) The string values for the row (default: []) @param row_number: (optional) The zero-based logical row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None) @param source_row_number: (optional) The zero-based source row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None)
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class Row(object): """ An iterable row of values in a HXL dataset. If a value is part of a merged area, and not in the top left position, it will be a MergedCell object. """ # Predefine the slots for efficiency (may reconsider later) __slots__ = ['columns', 'values', 'row_number', 'source_row_number'] def __init__(self, columns, values=[], row_number=None, source_row_number=None): """ Set up a new row. @param columns: The column definitions (array of Column objects). @param values: (optional) The string values for the row (default: []) @param row_number: (optional) The zero-based logical row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None) @param source_row_number: (optional) The zero-based source row number in the input dataset, if available (default: None) """ self.columns = columns self.values = copy.copy(values) self.row_number = row_number self.source_row_number = source_row_number def append(self, value): """ Append a value to the row. @param value The new value to append. @return The new value """ self.values.append(value) return value def get(self, tag, index=None, default=None, parsed=False): """ Get a single value for a tag in a row. If no index is provided ("None"), return the first non-empty value. @param tag: A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @param index: The zero-based index if there are multiple values for the tag (default: None) @param default: The default value if not found (default: None). Never parsed, even if parsed=True @param parsed: If true, use attributes as hints to try to parse the value (e.g. number, list, date) @return The value found, or the default value provided. If parsed=True, the return value will be a list (default: False) """ # FIXME - move externally, use for get_all as well, and support numbers and dates def parse(column, value): if parsed: if column.has_attribute('list'): return re.split(r'\s*,\s*', value) else: return [value] return value if type(tag) is TagPattern: pattern = tag else: pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag) for i, column in enumerate(self.columns): if i >= len(self.values): break if pattern.match(column): if index is None: # None (the default) is a special case: it means look # for the first truthy value if self.values[i]: return parse(column, self.values[i]) else: # Otherwise, look for a specific index if index == 0: return parse(column, self.values[i]) else: index = index - 1 return default def get_all(self, tag, default=None): """ Get all values for a specific tag in a row @param tag A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @return An array of values for the HXL hashtag. """ if type(tag) is TagPattern: pattern = tag else: pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag) result = [] for i, column in enumerate(self.columns): if i >= len(self.values): break if pattern.match(column): value = self.values[i] if default is not None and not value: value = default result.append(value) return result def key(self, patterns=None, indices=None): """Generate a unique key tuple for the row, based on a list of tag patterns @param patterns: a list of L{TagPattern} objects, or a parseable string @returns: the key as a tuple (might be empty) """ key = [] # if the user doesn't provide indices, get indices from the pattern if not indices and patterns: indices = get_column_indices(patterns, self.columns) if indices: # if we have indices, use them to build the key for i in indices: if i < len(self.values): key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(self.values[i], self.columns[i])) else: # if there are still no indices, use the whole row for the key for i, value in enumerate(self.values): key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(value, self.columns[i])) return tuple(key) # make it into a tuple so that it's hashable @property def dictionary(self): """Return the row as a Python dict. The keys will be HXL hashtags and attributes, normalised per HXL 1.1. If two or more columns have the same hashtags and attributes, only the first will be included. @return: The row as a Python dictionary. """ data = {} for i, col in enumerate(self.columns): key = col.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=True) if key and (not key in data) and (i < len(self.values)): data[key] = self.values[i] return data def __getitem__(self, index): """ Array-access method to make this class iterable. @param index The zero-based index of a value to look up. @return The value if it exists. @exception IndexError if the index is out of range. """ return self.values[index] def __str__(self): """ Create a string representation of a row for debugging. """ s = '<Row'; for column_number, value in enumerate(self.values): s += "\n " + str(self.columns[column_number]) + "=" + str(value) s += "\n>" return s
Instance variables
var columns
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var dictionary
Return the row as a Python dict. The keys will be HXL hashtags and attributes, normalised per HXL 1.1. If two or more columns have the same hashtags and attributes, only the first will be included. @return: The row as a Python dictionary.
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@property def dictionary(self): """Return the row as a Python dict. The keys will be HXL hashtags and attributes, normalised per HXL 1.1. If two or more columns have the same hashtags and attributes, only the first will be included. @return: The row as a Python dictionary. """ data = {} for i, col in enumerate(self.columns): key = col.get_display_tag(sort_attributes=True) if key and (not key in data) and (i < len(self.values)): data[key] = self.values[i] return data
var row_number
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var source_row_number
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var values
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def append(self, value)
Append a value to the row. @param value The new value to append. @return The new value
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def append(self, value): """ Append a value to the row. @param value The new value to append. @return The new value """ self.values.append(value) return value
def get(self, tag, index=None, default=None, parsed=False)
Get a single value for a tag in a row. If no index is provided ("None"), return the first non-empty value. @param tag: A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @param index: The zero-based index if there are multiple values for the tag (default: None) @param default: The default value if not found (default: None). Never parsed, even if parsed=True @param parsed: If true, use attributes as hints to try to parse the value (e.g. number, list, date) @return The value found, or the default value provided. If parsed=True, the return value will be a list (default: False)
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def get(self, tag, index=None, default=None, parsed=False): """ Get a single value for a tag in a row. If no index is provided ("None"), return the first non-empty value. @param tag: A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @param index: The zero-based index if there are multiple values for the tag (default: None) @param default: The default value if not found (default: None). Never parsed, even if parsed=True @param parsed: If true, use attributes as hints to try to parse the value (e.g. number, list, date) @return The value found, or the default value provided. If parsed=True, the return value will be a list (default: False) """ # FIXME - move externally, use for get_all as well, and support numbers and dates def parse(column, value): if parsed: if column.has_attribute('list'): return re.split(r'\s*,\s*', value) else: return [value] return value if type(tag) is TagPattern: pattern = tag else: pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag) for i, column in enumerate(self.columns): if i >= len(self.values): break if pattern.match(column): if index is None: # None (the default) is a special case: it means look # for the first truthy value if self.values[i]: return parse(column, self.values[i]) else: # Otherwise, look for a specific index if index == 0: return parse(column, self.values[i]) else: index = index - 1 return default
def get_all(self, tag, default=None)
Get all values for a specific tag in a row @param tag A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @return An array of values for the HXL hashtag.
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def get_all(self, tag, default=None): """ Get all values for a specific tag in a row @param tag A TagPattern or a string value for a tag. @return An array of values for the HXL hashtag. """ if type(tag) is TagPattern: pattern = tag else: pattern = TagPattern.parse(tag) result = [] for i, column in enumerate(self.columns): if i >= len(self.values): break if pattern.match(column): value = self.values[i] if default is not None and not value: value = default result.append(value) return result
def key(self, patterns=None, indices=None)
Generate a unique key tuple for the row, based on a list of tag patterns @param patterns: a list of L{TagPattern} objects, or a parseable string @returns: the key as a tuple (might be empty)
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def key(self, patterns=None, indices=None): """Generate a unique key tuple for the row, based on a list of tag patterns @param patterns: a list of L{TagPattern} objects, or a parseable string @returns: the key as a tuple (might be empty) """ key = [] # if the user doesn't provide indices, get indices from the pattern if not indices and patterns: indices = get_column_indices(patterns, self.columns) if indices: # if we have indices, use them to build the key for i in indices: if i < len(self.values): key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(self.values[i], self.columns[i])) else: # if there are still no indices, use the whole row for the key for i, value in enumerate(self.values): key.append(hxl.datatypes.normalise(value, self.columns[i])) return tuple(key) # make it into a tuple so that it's hashable
class RowQuery (pattern, op, value, is_aggregate=False)
Query to execute against a row of HXL data.
Constructor @param pattern: the L{TagPattern} to match in the row @param op: the operator function to use for comparison @param value: the value to compare against @param is_aggregate: if True, the value is a special placeholder like "min" or "max" that needs to be calculated
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class RowQuery(object): """Query to execute against a row of HXL data.""" def __init__(self, pattern, op, value, is_aggregate=False): """Constructor @param pattern: the L{TagPattern} to match in the row @param op: the operator function to use for comparison @param value: the value to compare against @param is_aggregate: if True, the value is a special placeholder like "min" or "max" that needs to be calculated """ self.pattern = TagPattern.parse(pattern) self.op = op self.value = value # if the value is a formula, extract it self.formula = None result = re.match(r'^{{(.+)}}$', hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value)) if result: self.formula = self.is_aggregate=is_aggregate self.needs_aggregate = False """Need to calculate an aggregate value""" if is_aggregate: self.needs_aggregate = True # calculate later self.date_value = None self.number_value = None self._saved_indices = None def calc_aggregate(self, dataset): """Calculate the aggregate value that we need for the row query Substitute the special values "min" and "max" with aggregates. @param dataset: the HXL dataset to use (must be cached) """ if not self.needs_aggregate: logup('no aggregate calculation needed', level='warning') logger.warning("no aggregate calculation needed") return # no need to calculate if not dataset.is_cached: raise HXLException("need a cached dataset for calculating an aggregate value") if self.value == 'min': self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern) self.op = operator.eq elif self.value == 'max': self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern) self.op = operator.eq elif self.value == 'not min': self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern) self.op = elif self.value == 'not max': self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern) self.op = else: raise HXLException("Unrecognised aggregate: {}".format(value)) self.needs_aggregate = False def match_row(self, row): """Check if a key-value pair appears in a HXL row""" # fail if we need an aggregate and haven't calculated it if self.needs_aggregate and not self.aggregate_is_calculated: raise HXLException("must call calc_aggregate before matching an 'is min' or 'is max' condition") # initialise is this is the first time matching for the row query if self._saved_indices is None or self.formula: # if it's a row formula, evaluate first if self.formula: value = hxl.formulas.eval.eval(row, self.formula) else: value = self.value if self.pattern.tag == '#date': try: self.date_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value) except ValueError: self.date_value = None try: self.number_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value) except ValueError: self.number_value = None self.string_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value) # try all the matching column values indices = self._get_saved_indices(row.columns) for i in indices: if i < len(row.values) and self.match_value(row.values[i], self.op): return True return False def match_value(self, value, op): """Try matching as dates, then as numbers, then as simple strings""" if self.date_value is not None: try: return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value), self.date_value) except ValueError: pass if self.number_value is not None: try: return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value), self.number_value) except: pass return self.op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value), self.string_value) def _get_saved_indices(self, columns): """Cache the column tests, so that we run them only once.""" # FIXME - assuming that the columns never change self._saved_indices = [] for i in range(len(columns)): if self.pattern.match(columns[i]): self._saved_indices.append(i) return self._saved_indices @staticmethod def parse(query): """Parse a filter expression""" if isinstance(query, RowQuery): # already parsed return query parts = re.split(r'([<>]=?|!?=|!?~|\bis\b)', hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(query), maxsplit=1) pattern = TagPattern.parse(parts[0]) op_name = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[1]) op = RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP.get(op_name) value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[2]) is_aggregate = False # special handling for aggregates (FIXME) if op_name == 'is' and value in ('min', 'max', 'not min', 'not max'): is_aggregate = True return RowQuery(pattern, op, value, is_aggregate) @staticmethod def parse_list(queries): """Parse a single query spec or a list of specs.""" if queries: if not hasattr(queries, '__len__') or isinstance(queries, six.string_types): # make a list if needed queries = [queries] return [hxl.model.RowQuery.parse(query) for query in queries] else: return [] @staticmethod def match_list(row, queries=None, reverse=False): """See if any query in a list matches a row.""" if not queries: # no queries = pass return True else: # otherwise, must match at least one for query in queries: if query.match_row(row): return not reverse return reverse @staticmethod def operator_re(s, pattern): """Regular-expression comparison operator.""" return, s) @staticmethod def operator_nre(s, pattern): """Regular-expression negative comparison operator.""" return not, s) @staticmethod def operator_is(s, condition): """Advanced tests Note: this won't be called for aggregate values like "is min" or "is not max"; for these, the aggregate will already be calculated, and a simple comparison operator substituted by L{calc_aggregate}. """ if condition == 'empty': return hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s) elif condition == 'not empty': return not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s) elif condition == 'number': return hxl.datatypes.is_number(s) elif condition == 'not number': return not hxl.datatypes.is_number(s) elif condition == 'date': return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s)) elif condition == 'not date': return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s) is False) else: raise hxl.HXLException('Unknown is condition: {}'.format(condition)) # Constant map of comparison operators OPERATOR_MAP = { '=': operator.eq, '!=':, '<':, '<=': operator.le, '>':, '>=':, }
Class variables
Static methods
def match_list(row, queries=None, reverse=False)
See if any query in a list matches a row.
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@staticmethod def match_list(row, queries=None, reverse=False): """See if any query in a list matches a row.""" if not queries: # no queries = pass return True else: # otherwise, must match at least one for query in queries: if query.match_row(row): return not reverse return reverse
def operator_is(s, condition)
Advanced tests Note: this won't be called for aggregate values like "is min" or "is not max"; for these, the aggregate will already be calculated, and a simple comparison operator substituted by L{calc_aggregate}.
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@staticmethod def operator_is(s, condition): """Advanced tests Note: this won't be called for aggregate values like "is min" or "is not max"; for these, the aggregate will already be calculated, and a simple comparison operator substituted by L{calc_aggregate}. """ if condition == 'empty': return hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s) elif condition == 'not empty': return not hxl.datatypes.is_empty(s) elif condition == 'number': return hxl.datatypes.is_number(s) elif condition == 'not number': return not hxl.datatypes.is_number(s) elif condition == 'date': return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s)) elif condition == 'not date': return (hxl.datatypes.is_date(s) is False) else: raise hxl.HXLException('Unknown is condition: {}'.format(condition))
def operator_nre(s, pattern)
Regular-expression negative comparison operator.
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@staticmethod def operator_nre(s, pattern): """Regular-expression negative comparison operator.""" return not, s)
def operator_re(s, pattern)
Regular-expression comparison operator.
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@staticmethod def operator_re(s, pattern): """Regular-expression comparison operator.""" return, s)
def parse(query)
Parse a filter expression
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@staticmethod def parse(query): """Parse a filter expression""" if isinstance(query, RowQuery): # already parsed return query parts = re.split(r'([<>]=?|!?=|!?~|\bis\b)', hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(query), maxsplit=1) pattern = TagPattern.parse(parts[0]) op_name = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[1]) op = RowQuery.OPERATOR_MAP.get(op_name) value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(parts[2]) is_aggregate = False # special handling for aggregates (FIXME) if op_name == 'is' and value in ('min', 'max', 'not min', 'not max'): is_aggregate = True return RowQuery(pattern, op, value, is_aggregate)
def parse_list(queries)
Parse a single query spec or a list of specs.
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@staticmethod def parse_list(queries): """Parse a single query spec or a list of specs.""" if queries: if not hasattr(queries, '__len__') or isinstance(queries, six.string_types): # make a list if needed queries = [queries] return [hxl.model.RowQuery.parse(query) for query in queries] else: return []
Instance variables
var needs_aggregate
Need to calculate an aggregate value
def calc_aggregate(self, dataset)
Calculate the aggregate value that we need for the row query Substitute the special values "min" and "max" with aggregates. @param dataset: the HXL dataset to use (must be cached)
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def calc_aggregate(self, dataset): """Calculate the aggregate value that we need for the row query Substitute the special values "min" and "max" with aggregates. @param dataset: the HXL dataset to use (must be cached) """ if not self.needs_aggregate: logup('no aggregate calculation needed', level='warning') logger.warning("no aggregate calculation needed") return # no need to calculate if not dataset.is_cached: raise HXLException("need a cached dataset for calculating an aggregate value") if self.value == 'min': self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern) self.op = operator.eq elif self.value == 'max': self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern) self.op = operator.eq elif self.value == 'not min': self.value = dataset.min(self.pattern) self.op = elif self.value == 'not max': self.value = dataset.max(self.pattern) self.op = else: raise HXLException("Unrecognised aggregate: {}".format(value)) self.needs_aggregate = False
def match_row(self, row)
Check if a key-value pair appears in a HXL row
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def match_row(self, row): """Check if a key-value pair appears in a HXL row""" # fail if we need an aggregate and haven't calculated it if self.needs_aggregate and not self.aggregate_is_calculated: raise HXLException("must call calc_aggregate before matching an 'is min' or 'is max' condition") # initialise is this is the first time matching for the row query if self._saved_indices is None or self.formula: # if it's a row formula, evaluate first if self.formula: value = hxl.formulas.eval.eval(row, self.formula) else: value = self.value if self.pattern.tag == '#date': try: self.date_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value) except ValueError: self.date_value = None try: self.number_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value) except ValueError: self.number_value = None self.string_value = hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value) # try all the matching column values indices = self._get_saved_indices(row.columns) for i in indices: if i < len(row.values) and self.match_value(row.values[i], self.op): return True return False
def match_value(self, value, op)
Try matching as dates, then as numbers, then as simple strings
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def match_value(self, value, op): """Try matching as dates, then as numbers, then as simple strings""" if self.date_value is not None: try: return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_date(value), self.date_value) except ValueError: pass if self.number_value is not None: try: return op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_number(value), self.number_value) except: pass return self.op(hxl.datatypes.normalise_string(value), self.string_value)
class TagPattern (tag, include_attributes=[], exclude_attributes=[], is_absolute=False)
Pattern for matching a HXL hashtag and attributes
- the pattern "#*" matches any hashtag/attribute combination
- the pattern "#*+foo" matches any hashtag with the foo attribute
- the pattern "#tag" matches #tag with any attributes
- the pattern "#tag+foo" matches #tag with foo among its attributes
- the pattern "#tag-foo" matches #tag with foo not among its attributes
- the pattern "#tag+foo-bar" matches #tag with foo but not bar
- the pattern "#tag+foo+bar!" matches #tag with exactly the attributes foo and bar, but no others
The normal way to create a tag pattern is using the parse() method rather than the constructor:
pattern = hxl.model.TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children")
- the basic hashtag (without attributes)
- a list of attributes that must be present
- a list of attributes that must not be present
- if True, no attributes are allowed except those in include_attributes
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class TagPattern(object): """Pattern for matching a HXL hashtag and attributes - the pattern "#*" matches any hashtag/attribute combination - the pattern "#*+foo" matches any hashtag with the foo attribute - the pattern "#tag" matches #tag with any attributes - the pattern "#tag+foo" matches #tag with foo among its attributes - the pattern "#tag-foo" matches #tag with foo *not* among its attributes - the pattern "#tag+foo-bar" matches #tag with foo but not bar - the pattern "#tag+foo+bar!" matches #tag with exactly the attributes foo and bar, but *no others* The normal way to create a tag pattern is using the [parse()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse) method rather than the constructor: pattern = hxl.model.TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children") Args: tag: the basic hashtag (without attributes) include_attributes: a list of attributes that must be present exclude_attributes: a list of attributes that must not be present is_absolute: if True, no attributes are allowed except those in _include_attributes_ """ PATTERN = r'^\s*#?({token}|\*)((?:\s*[+-]{token})*)\s*(!)?\s*$'.format(token=hxl.datatypes.TOKEN_PATTERN) """Constant: regular expression to match a HXL tag pattern. """ def __init__(self, tag, include_attributes=[], exclude_attributes=[], is_absolute=False): self.tag = tag self.include_attributes = set(include_attributes) """Set of all attributes that must be present""" self.exclude_attributes = set(exclude_attributes) """Set of all attributes that must not be present""" self.is_absolute = is_absolute """True if this pattern is absolute (no extra attributes allowed)""" def is_wildcard(self): return self.tag == '#*' def match(self, column): """Check whether a Column matches this pattern. @param column: the column to check @returns: True if the column is a match """ if column.tag and (self.is_wildcard() or self.tag == column.tag): # all include_attributes must be present if self.include_attributes: for attribute in self.include_attributes: if attribute not in column.attributes: return False # all exclude_attributes must be absent if self.exclude_attributes: for attribute in self.exclude_attributes: if attribute in column.attributes: return False # if absolute, then only specified attributes may be present if self.is_absolute: for attribute in column.attributes: if attribute not in self.include_attributes: return False return True else: return False def get_matching_columns(self, columns): """Return a list of columns that match the pattern. @param columns: a list of L{hxl.model.Column} objects @returns: a list (possibly empty) """ result = [] for column in columns: if self.match(column): result.append(column) return result def find_column_index(self, columns): """Get the index of the first matching column. @param columns: a list of columns to check @returns: the 0-based index of the first matching column, or None for no match """ for i in range(len(columns)): if self.match(columns[i]): return i return None def find_column(self, columns): """Check whether there is a match in a list of columns.""" for column in columns: if self.match(column): return column return None def __repr__(self): s = self.tag if self.include_attributes: for attribute in self.include_attributes: s += '+' + attribute if self.exclude_attributes: for attribute in self.exclude_attributes: s += '-' + attribute return s __str__ = __repr__ @staticmethod def parse(s): """Parse a single tag-pattern string. pattern = TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children") The [parse_list()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list) method will call this method to parse multiple patterns at once. Args: s: the tag-pattern string to parse Returns: A TagPattern object """ if not s: # edge case: null value raise hxl.HXLException('Attempt to parse empty tag pattern') elif isinstance(s, TagPattern): # edge case: already parsed return s result = re.match(TagPattern.PATTERN, s) if result: tag = '#' + include_attributes = set() exclude_attributes = set() attribute_specs = re.split(r'\s*([+-])', for i in range(1, len(attribute_specs), 2): if attribute_specs[i] == '+': include_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower()) else: exclude_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower()) if == '!': is_absolute = True if exclude_attributes: raise ValueError('Exclusions not allowed in absolute patterns') else: is_absolute = False return TagPattern( tag, include_attributes=include_attributes, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes, is_absolute=is_absolute ) else: raise hxl.HXLException('Malformed tag: ' + s) @staticmethod def parse_list(specs): """Parse a list of tag-pattern strings. If _specs_ is a list of already-parsed TagPattern objects, do nothing. If it's a list of strings, apply [parse()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse) to each one. If it's a single string with multiple patterns separated by commas, split the string, then parse the patterns. patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f,#inneed+f") # or patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f", "#inneed+f") Args: specs: the raw input (a list of strings, or a single string with commas separating the patterns) Returns: A list of TagPattern objects. """ if not specs: return [] if isinstance(specs, six.string_types): specs = specs.split(',') return [TagPattern.parse(spec) for spec in specs] @staticmethod def match_list(column, patterns): """Test if a column matches any of the patterns in a list. This is convenient to use together with [parse_list()](hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list): patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(["#affected+f", "#inneed+f"]) if TagPattern.match_list(column, patterns): print("The column matched one of the patterns") Args: column: the column to test patterns: a list of zero or more patterns. Returns: True if there is a match """ for pattern in patterns: if pattern.match(column): return True return False
Class variables
Constant: regular expression to match a HXL tag pattern.
Static methods
def match_list(column, patterns)
Test if a column matches any of the patterns in a list.
This is convenient to use together with parse_list():
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(["#affected+f", "#inneed+f"]) if TagPattern.match_list(column, patterns): print("The column matched one of the patterns")
- the column to test
- a list of zero or more patterns.
True if there is a match
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@staticmethod def match_list(column, patterns): """Test if a column matches any of the patterns in a list. This is convenient to use together with [parse_list()](hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list): patterns = TagPattern.parse_list(["#affected+f", "#inneed+f"]) if TagPattern.match_list(column, patterns): print("The column matched one of the patterns") Args: column: the column to test patterns: a list of zero or more patterns. Returns: True if there is a match """ for pattern in patterns: if pattern.match(column): return True return False
def parse(s)
Parse a single tag-pattern string.
pattern = TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children")
The parse_list() method will call this method to parse multiple patterns at once.
- the tag-pattern string to parse
A TagPattern object
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@staticmethod def parse(s): """Parse a single tag-pattern string. pattern = TagPattern.parse("#affected+f-children") The [parse_list()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse_list) method will call this method to parse multiple patterns at once. Args: s: the tag-pattern string to parse Returns: A TagPattern object """ if not s: # edge case: null value raise hxl.HXLException('Attempt to parse empty tag pattern') elif isinstance(s, TagPattern): # edge case: already parsed return s result = re.match(TagPattern.PATTERN, s) if result: tag = '#' + include_attributes = set() exclude_attributes = set() attribute_specs = re.split(r'\s*([+-])', for i in range(1, len(attribute_specs), 2): if attribute_specs[i] == '+': include_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower()) else: exclude_attributes.add(attribute_specs[i + 1].lower()) if == '!': is_absolute = True if exclude_attributes: raise ValueError('Exclusions not allowed in absolute patterns') else: is_absolute = False return TagPattern( tag, include_attributes=include_attributes, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes, is_absolute=is_absolute ) else: raise hxl.HXLException('Malformed tag: ' + s)
def parse_list(specs)
Parse a list of tag-pattern strings.
If specs is a list of already-parsed TagPattern objects, do nothing. If it's a list of strings, apply parse() to each one. If it's a single string with multiple patterns separated by commas, split the string, then parse the patterns.
patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f,#inneed+f") # or patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f", "#inneed+f")
- the raw input (a list of strings, or a single string with commas separating the patterns)
A list of TagPattern objects.
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@staticmethod def parse_list(specs): """Parse a list of tag-pattern strings. If _specs_ is a list of already-parsed TagPattern objects, do nothing. If it's a list of strings, apply [parse()](#hxl.model.TagPattern.parse) to each one. If it's a single string with multiple patterns separated by commas, split the string, then parse the patterns. patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f,#inneed+f") # or patterns = TagPattern.parse_list("#affected+f", "#inneed+f") Args: specs: the raw input (a list of strings, or a single string with commas separating the patterns) Returns: A list of TagPattern objects. """ if not specs: return [] if isinstance(specs, six.string_types): specs = specs.split(',') return [TagPattern.parse(spec) for spec in specs]
Instance variables
var exclude_attributes
Set of all attributes that must not be present
var include_attributes
Set of all attributes that must be present
var is_absolute
True if this pattern is absolute (no extra attributes allowed)
def find_column(self, columns)
Check whether there is a match in a list of columns.
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def find_column(self, columns): """Check whether there is a match in a list of columns.""" for column in columns: if self.match(column): return column return None
def find_column_index(self, columns)
Get the index of the first matching column. @param columns: a list of columns to check @returns: the 0-based index of the first matching column, or None for no match
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def find_column_index(self, columns): """Get the index of the first matching column. @param columns: a list of columns to check @returns: the 0-based index of the first matching column, or None for no match """ for i in range(len(columns)): if self.match(columns[i]): return i return None
def get_matching_columns(self, columns)
Return a list of columns that match the pattern. @param columns: a list of L{hxl.model.Column} objects @returns: a list (possibly empty)
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def get_matching_columns(self, columns): """Return a list of columns that match the pattern. @param columns: a list of L{hxl.model.Column} objects @returns: a list (possibly empty) """ result = [] for column in columns: if self.match(column): result.append(column) return result
def is_wildcard(self)
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def is_wildcard(self): return self.tag == '#*'
def match(self, column)
Check whether a Column matches this pattern. @param column: the column to check @returns: True if the column is a match
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def match(self, column): """Check whether a Column matches this pattern. @param column: the column to check @returns: True if the column is a match """ if column.tag and (self.is_wildcard() or self.tag == column.tag): # all include_attributes must be present if self.include_attributes: for attribute in self.include_attributes: if attribute not in column.attributes: return False # all exclude_attributes must be absent if self.exclude_attributes: for attribute in self.exclude_attributes: if attribute in column.attributes: return False # if absolute, then only specified attributes may be present if self.is_absolute: for attribute in column.attributes: if attribute not in self.include_attributes: return False return True else: return False