Module hxl.input
Input/output library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) v1.0
This module handles all contact with the outside world (reading and writing data in different formats through different channels).
# Read a HXL-hashtagged dataset
dataset ="")
# Read a non-HXL dataset and add hashtags
specs = [['Cluster', '#sector'], ["Province", "#adm1+name"]]
tagged_data = hxl.input.tagger("", specs)
# Write out a dataset as JSON
hxl.input.write_json(sys.stdout, dataset)
# Write out a dataset as CSV
hxl.input.write_csv(sys.stdout, dataset)
David Megginson
Public Domain
Expand source code
"""Input/output library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) v1.0
This module handles all contact with the outside world (reading and
writing data in different formats through different channels).
# Read a HXL-hashtagged dataset
dataset ="")
# Read a non-HXL dataset and add hashtags
specs = [['Cluster', '#sector'], ["Province", "#adm1+name"]]
tagged_data = hxl.input.tagger("", specs)
# Write out a dataset as JSON
hxl.input.write_json(sys.stdout, dataset)
# Write out a dataset as CSV
hxl.input.write_csv(sys.stdout, dataset)
David Megginson
Public Domain
import hxl, hxl.filters
from hxl.util import logup
import abc, collections, csv, datetime, dateutil.parser, hashlib, \
io, io_wrapper, json, jsonpath_ng.ext, logging, \
os.path, re, requests, requests_cache, shutil, six, sys, \
tempfile, time, urllib.parse, xlrd3 as xlrd, zipfile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = (
# Constants
# Numeric constants
EXCEL_MEMORY_CUTOFF = 0x1000000 # max 16MB to load an Excel file into memory
# Patterns for URL munging
GOOGLE_DRIVE_URL = r'^https?://\?id=([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)$'
GOOGLE_SHEETS_URL = r'^https?://[^/]*[^0-9A-Za-z_-]([0-9A-Za-z_-]{44})(?:.*gid=([0-9]+))?.*$'
GOOGLE_SHEETS_XLSX_URL = r'^https?://[^/]*[^0-9A-Za-z_-]([0-9A-Za-z_-]{33})(?:.*gid=([0-9]+))?.*$'
GOOGLE_FILE_URL = r'https?://[0-9A-Za-z_-]+)/.*$'
DROPBOX_URL = r'^[0-9a-z]{15})/([^?]+)\?dl=[01]$'
CKAN_URL = r'^(https?://[^/]+)/dataset/([^/]+)(?:/resource/([a-z0-9-]{36}))?$'
HXL_PROXY_SAVED_URL = r'^(https?://[^/]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6})[^?]*(\?.*)?$'
HXL_PROXY_ARGS_URL = r'^(https?://[^/]**\?(.+)$'
KOBO_URL = r'^[A-Za-z0-9]{16,32})/'
# opening signatures for well-known file types
b' [',
b' {'
# Exported functions
def data(data, input_options=None):
Convenience method for reading a HXL dataset.
If passed an existing Dataset, simply returns it. All args exception "data" are optional.
data: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
hxl.model.Dataset: a data-access object
IOError: if there's an error loading the data.
hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data.
hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg.
logger.debug("HXL data from %s", str(data))
if isinstance(data, hxl.model.Dataset):
# it's already HXL data
return data
elif isinstance(data, dict) and data.get('input'):
"""If it's a JSON-type spec, try parsing it."""
return hxl.input.from_spec(data, allow_local_ok=input_options is not None and input_options.allow_local)
# kludge: if it's a CKAN dataset URL without a resource,
# try to find a resource with hashtags (only if requested)
if input_options and input_options.scan_ckan_resources:
result = re.match(CKAN_URL, str(data))
if result and not # no resource
logup(f"Using CKAN API to dereference", {"url": data})
resource_urls = _get_ckan_urls(,,, input_options)
for resource_url in resource_urls:
source =, input_options)
source.columns # force HXLTagsNotFoundException if not HXLated
return source
return HXLReader(make_input(data, input_options))
def tagger(data, specs, input_options=None, default_tag=None, match_all=False):
"""Open an untagged data source and add hashtags.
The specs are a list of pairs in the format ["header", "#hashtag"], e.g.
specs = [
["Province", "#adm1+name"],
["P-code", "#adm1+code"],
["Organisation", "#org+name"],
["Cluster", "#sector+cluster"]
It is not necessary to match the headers in all columns, and if
the "match_all" arg is False (the default), the header strings
will match partial as well as complete header strings. Matching is
always case- and whitespace-insensitive. Other args are identical
to the data() function.
data: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
specs (list): a list of mapping pairs of headers and hashtags.
match_all (bool): if True, match the complete header string; otherwise, allow partial matches (default)
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
hxl.converters.Tagger: a data-access object subclassed from hxl.model.Dataset
IOError: if there's an error loading the data.
hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data.
hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg.
import hxl.converters
input=make_input(data, input_options),
def write_hxl(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True):
"""Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream in CSV format.
The output will be comma-separated CSV, in UTF-8 character encoding.
output (io.IOBase): an output byte stream
source (hxl.model.Dataset): a HXL data-access object
show_headers (bool): if True (default), include text header row.
show_tags (bool): if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row.
IOError: if there's a problem writing the output
for line in source.gen_csv(show_headers, show_tags):
def write_json(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False):
"""Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream.
The output will be JSON in one of two styles.
Row-style JSON (default):
["Province", "Organisation", "Cluster"],
["#adm1+name", "#org", "#sector+cluster"],
["Coast", "Org A", "Health"],
["Plains", "Org B", "Education"],
["Mountains", "Org A", "Nutrition"]
Object-style JSON:
"#adm1+name": "Coast",
"#org": "Org A",
"#sector+cluster": "Health"
"#adm1+name": "Plains",
"#org": "Org B",
"#sector+cluster": "Education"
"#adm1+name": "Mountains",
"#org": "Org A",
"#sector+cluster": "Nutrition"
output (io.IOBase): an output byte stream
source (hxl.model.Dataset): a HXL data-access object
show_headers (bool): if True (default), include text header row.
show_tags (bool): if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row.
use_objects (bool): if True, produce object-style JSON; otherwise, produce row-style JSON (default).
IOError: if there's a problem writing the output
for line in source.gen_json(show_headers, show_tags, use_objects):
def make_input(raw_source, input_options=None):
"""Figure out what kind of input to create.
This is a lower-level I/O function that sits beneath ``data()``
and ``tagger()``. It figures out how to create row-by-row data
from various sources (e.g. XLSX, Google Sheets, CSV, JSON), and
returns an object for iterating through the rows.
input = make_input("data.xlsx", InputOptions(allow_local=True))
for raw_row in input:
process_row(raw_row) # each row will be a list of values
The raw source can be a URL or filename, an input stream, or an array.
raw_source: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
input_options (InputOptions): input_options for reading a dataset.
hxl.input.AbstractInput: a row-by-row input object (before checking for HXL hashtags)
IOError: if there's an error loading the data.
hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data.
hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg.
def wrap_stream(stream):
if hasattr(stream, 'mode') and 'b' not in stream.mode and hasattr(stream, 'buffer'):
# if the stream has a rawio buffer, use it
stream = stream.buffer
if hasattr(stream, 'peek'):
# already buffered
return stream
# need to wrap with a buffer
stream = io_wrapper.RawIOWrapper(stream)
return io.BufferedReader(io_wrapper.RawIOWrapper(stream))
def match_sigs(sig, sigs):
for s in sigs:
if sig.startswith(s):
return True
return False
if input_options is None:
input_options = InputOptions(allow_local=False, verify_ssl=True) # safe default
if isinstance(raw_source, AbstractInput):
# already an input source: no op
return raw_source
elif hasattr(raw_source, '__len__') and (not isinstance(raw_source, six.string_types)):
# it's an array
logger.debug('Making input from an array')
return ArrayInput(raw_source)
mime_type = None
file_ext = None
encoding = input_options.encoding
url_or_filename = None
fileno = None
content_length = None
if hasattr(raw_source, 'read'):
# it's an input stream
logger.debug('Making input from a stream')
input = wrap_stream(raw_source)
# assume a URL or filename
logger.debug('Opening source %s as a URL or file', raw_source)
# back to usual
url_or_filename = raw_source
(input, mime_type, file_ext, specified_encoding, content_length, fileno,) = open_url_or_file(raw_source, input_options)
input = wrap_stream(input)
# figure out the character encoding
if encoding is None: # if no encoding was provided, use the inferred one
if specified_encoding:
encoding = specified_encoding
if not encoding: # if we still have no character encoding, default to UTF-8
encoding = "utf-8"
sig = input.peek(4)[:4]
if (mime_type in HTML5_MIME_TYPES) or match_sigs(sig, HTML5_SIGS):
raise HXLHTMLException(
"Received HTML markup.\nCheck that the resource (e.g. a Google Sheet) is publicly readable.",
url = url_or_filename
if match_sigs(sig, XLS_SIGS) or match_sigs(sig, XLSX_SIGS):
contents =
# Is it really an XLS(X) file?
logger.debug('Trying input from an Excel file')
return ExcelInput(contents, input_options, url_or_filename=url_or_filename)
except xlrd.XLRDError:
# If not, see if it contains a CSV file
if match_sigs(sig, ZIP_SIGS): # more-restrictive
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(contents), "r")
for name in zf.namelist():
if os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower()==".csv":
return CSVInput(wrap_stream(io.BytesIO(, input_options)
raise HXLIOException("Cannot find CSV file or Excel content in zip archive")
elif (mime_type in JSON_MIME_TYPES) or (file_ext in JSON_FILE_EXTS) or match_sigs(sig, JSON_SIGS):
logger.debug('Trying to make input as JSON')
return JSONInput(input, input_options)
# fall back to CSV if all else fails
if (not file_ext or (file_ext in CSV_FILE_EXTS)) and (not mime_type or (mime_type in CSV_MIME_TYPES)):
logger.debug('Making input from CSV')
return CSVInput(input, input_options)
raise HXLIOException(
'Cannot process as data (extension: {}, MIME type: {})'.format(
file_ext if file_ext else '<not provided>',
mime_type if mime_type else '<not provided>',
def open_url_or_file(url_or_filename, input_options):
"""Try opening a local or remote resource.
Allows only HTTP(S) and (S)FTP URLs.
url_or_filename (string): the string to try openining.
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
sequence of
input (io.IOBase)
mime_type (string or None)
file_ext (string or None)
encoding (string or None)
content_length (long or None)
fileno (int)
IOError: if there's an error opening the data stream
mime_type = None
file_ext = None
encoding = None
content_length = None
fileno = None
# Try for file extension
result ='\.([A-Za-z0-9]{1,5})$', url_or_filename)
if result:
file_ext =
result = re.match(r'^(?:https?|s?ftp)://([^/]+)', url_or_filename.lower())
if result:
# Check for possible exploits when allow_local is False
if not input_options.allow_local:
hostname =
# forbid dotted quads
if re.match(r'^[0-9.]+$', hostname):
raise HXLIOException("Security settings forbid accessing host via IP address {}", hostname)
# forbid localhost
if hostname == "localhost":
raise HXLIOException("Security settings forbid accessing localhost")
# forbid localhost
if hostname.endswith(".localdomain"):
raise HXLIOException("Security settings forbid accessing hostnames ending in .localdomain: {}", hostname)
# It looks like a URL
# grab the file extension again, but remove the leading '.'
if file_ext is None:
file_ext = os.path.splitext(urllib.parse.urlparse(url_or_filename).path)[1][1:]
url = munge_url(url_or_filename, input_options)
logup("Trying to open remote resource", {"url": url_or_filename})
response = requests.get(
logup("Response status", {"url": url_or_filename, "status": response.status_code})
if (response.status_code == 403): # CKAN sends "403 Forbidden" for a private file
raise HXLAuthorizationException("Access not authorized", url=url)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Cannot open URL %s (%s)", url_or_filename, str(e))
raise e
content_type = response.headers.get('content-type')
if content_type:
result = re.match(r'^(\S+)\s*;\s*charset=(\S+)$', content_type)
if result:
mime_type =
encoding =
mime_type = content_type.lower()
content_length = response.headers.get('content-length')
if content_length is not None:
content_length = int(content_length)
content_length = None
# return (RequestResponseIOWrapper(response), mime_type, file_ext, encoding, content_length, fileno,)
return (io.BytesIO(response.content), mime_type, file_ext, encoding, content_length, fileno,)
elif input_options.allow_local:
# Default to a local file, if allowed
info = os.stat(url_or_filename)
content_length = info.st_size
file =, 'rb')
fileno = file.fileno()
return (file, mime_type, file_ext, encoding, content_length, fileno,)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Cannot open local HXL file %s (%s)", url_or_filename, str(e))
raise e
# Forbidden to try local (allow_local is False), so give up.
logger.error('Security settings forbid accessing local files or non http(s)/ftp(s) URL schemes: %s', url_or_filename)
raise HXLIOException(
"Only http(s) and (s)ftp URLs allowed: {}".format(url_or_filename),
# Exported classes
class HXLIOException(hxl.HXLException, IOError):
""" Base class for all HXL IO-related exceptions
def __init__(self, message, url=None):
message (str): the error message
url (str): the URL that caused the error (if relevant)
self.url = url
class HXLHTMLException(HXLIOException):
""" Found HTML markup instead of data on the web
def __init__(self, message, url):
""" Args:
message (str): the error message
url (str): the URL that caused the error
super().__init__(message, url)
class HXLAuthorizationException(HXLIOException):
""" An authorisation error for a remote resource.
This exception means that the library was not allowed to read the remote resource.
Sometimes adding an ``Authorization:`` HTTP header with a token will help.
def __init__(self, message, url, is_ckan=False):
message (str): the error message
url (str): the URL that triggered the exception
is_ckan (bool): if True, the error came from a CKAN instance
super().__init__(message, url)
self.is_ckan = is_ckan
class HXLParseException(HXLIOException):
"""A parsing error in a HXL dataset.
This exception means that something was wrong with the HXL tagging
(or similar). The ``message`` will contain details, and if
possible, there will be a column and row number to help the user
locate the error.
def __init__(self, message, source_row_number=None, source_column_number=None, url=None):
message (str): the error message
source_row_number (int): the row number in the raw source data, if known.
source_column_number (int): the column number in the raw source data, if known.
url (str): the URL of the source data, if relevant.
super().__init__(message, url)
self.source_row_number = source_row_number
self.source_column_number = source_column_number
class HXLTimeoutException(HXLIOException):
""" There is a timeout when trying to load data
Right now, only Kobo uses this.
def __init__(self, message="Timeout downloading source data", url=None):
message (str): the error message
url (str): the URL that triggered the exception
super().init__(message, url)
class HXLTagsNotFoundException(HXLParseException):
""" Specific parsing exception: no HXL tags.
This exception means that the library could find no HXL hashtags in the source data.
Using the ``tagger()`` function with tagging specs can resolve the problem.
def __init__(self, message='HXL tags not found in first 25 rows', url=None):
message (str): the error message
url (str): the URL of the source data, if available
super().__init__(message, url)
class InputOptions:
""" Input options for datasets.
allow_local (bool): if true, allow opening local filenames as well as remote URLs (default: False).
sheet_index (int): if supplied, use the specified 1-based index to choose a sheet from an Excel workbook (default: None)
timeout (int): if supplied, time out an HTTP(S) request after the specified number of seconds with no data received (default: None)
verify_ssl (bool): if False, don't verify SSL certificates (e.g. for self-signed certs).
http_headers (dict): optional dict of HTTP headers to add to a request.
selector (str): selector property for a JSON file (will later also cover tabs, etc.)
encoding (str): force a character encoding, regardless of HTTP info etc
expand_merged (bool): expand merged areas by repeating the value (Excel only)
scan_ckan_resources (bool): for a CKAN dataset URL, scan all resources for the first HXLated one (defaults to just using first resource)
def __init__ (
self.allow_local = allow_local
self.sheet_index = sheet_index
self.timeout = timeout
self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl
self.http_headers = http_headers
self.selector = selector
self.encoding = encoding
self.expand_merged = expand_merged
self.scan_ckan_resources = scan_ckan_resources
# Deprecated - will remove in future release
class RequestResponseIOWrapper(io.RawIOBase):
"""Wrapper for a Response object from the requests library. Streaming
in requests is a bit broken: for example, if you're streaming, the
stream from the raw property doesn't unzip the payload.
BUFFER_SIZE = 0x1000
"""Size of input chunk buffer from requests.raw.iter_content"""
def __init__(self, response):
"""Construct a wrapper around a requests response object
@param response: the HTTP response from the requests library
self.response = response
self.buffer = None
self.buffer_pos = -1
self.iter = response.iter_content(self.BUFFER_SIZE) # iterator through the input
def read(self, size=-1):
"""Read raw byte input from the requests raw.iter_content iterator
The function will unzip zipped content.
@param size: the maximum number of bytes to read, or -1 for all available.
result = bytearray()
if size == -1:
# Read all of the content at once
for chunk in self.iter:
result += chunk
self.buffer = None
# Read from chunks until we have enough content
while size > 0:
if not self.buffer:
self.buffer = next(self.iter)
except StopIteration:
# stop if we've run out of input
self.buffer_pos = 0
avail = min(len(self.buffer)-self.buffer_pos, size) #actually read
result += self.buffer[self.buffer_pos:self.buffer_pos+avail]
size -= avail
self.buffer_pos += avail
if self.buffer_pos >= len(self.buffer):
self.buffer = None
return bytes(result) # FIXME - how can we avoid a copy?
def readinto(self, b):
"""Read content into a buffer of some kind.
This is not very efficient right now -- too much copying.
@param b: the buffer to read into (will read up to its length)
result =[:len(b)]
size = len(result)
b[:size] = result[:size]
return size
def readable(self):
"""Flag whether the content is readable."""
return self.response.raw.readable()
return True
def content_type(self):
return self.response.headers.get('Content-type')
def close(self):
"""Close the streaming response."""
return self.response.close()
class AbstractInput(object):
"""Abstract base class for input classes.
All of the derived classes allow returning one row of raw data at
a time from child classes, via normal iteration, and support
context management ("with" statements). Each row is represented as
a list of values. No semantic HXL processing has taken place yet
at this stage.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self, input_options):
self.input_options = input_options
self.is_repeatable = False
def info(self):
""" Get information about the raw dataset.
Uses low-level row-wise input, so the source doesn't have to be HXLated.
The result will be a dict with info about the workbook:
- format (e.g. "XLSX")
- sheets (list)
The following will appear for each sheet:
- sheet_name (string)
- is_hidden (boolean)
- nrows (int)
- ncols (int)
- has_merged_cells (boolean)
- is_hxlated (boolean)
- header_hash (MD5 string)
- hashtag hash (MD5 string, or null if not HXLated)
(Currently supported only for Excel.)
raise NotImplementedError()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback):
class CSVInput(AbstractInput):
"""Iterable: read raw CSV rows from an input stream.
Supports context management.
with hxl.input.CSVInput(open("data.csv", "r")) as csv:
for raw_row in csv:
_DELIMITERS = [",", "\t", ";", ":", "|"]
""" CSV delimiters allowed """
def __init__(self, input, input_options):
input (io.IOBase): a byte input stream
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
# guess the delimiter
delimiter = CSVInput._detect_delimiter(input, input_options.encoding or "utf-8")
self._input = io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=input_options.encoding, errors="replace")
self._reader = csv.reader(self._input, delimiter=delimiter)
def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback):
def __iter__(self):
return self._reader
def _detect_delimiter(input, encoding):
"""Detect the CSV delimiter in use
Grab the first 16K bytes, split into lines, then try splitting
each line with each delimiter. The first one that yields a well-formed
HXL hashtag row wins. If there is no winner, then choose the delimiter
that appeared most often in the sample.
@param input: the input byte stream (with a peek() method)
@param encoding: the character encoding to use
@returns a csv.Dialect object or string.
raw = input.peek(16384)
# Special case: there might be part of a multibyte Unicode character at the end
for i in range(0, 7):
sample = raw[:-1].decode(encoding, errors="replace")
except Exception as e:
lines = re.split(r'\r?\n', sample)
# first, try for a hashtag row
logger.debug("No CSV delimiter specified; trying to autodetect by looking for a hashtag row")
for row_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if '#' in line:
logger.debug("Row %d contains \"#\"", row_index)
for delim in CSVInput._DELIMITERS:
logger.debug("Trying delimiter \"%s\"", delim)
fields = next(csv.reader([line], delimiter=delim))
if hxl.model.Column.parse_list(fields):
logger.debug("Succeeded in parsing hashtags in row %d. Using \"%s\" as CSV delimiter", row_index, delim)
return delim
# if that fails, return the delimiter that appears most often
most_common_delim = ','
max_count = -1
for delim in CSVInput._DELIMITERS:
count = sample.count(delim)
if count > max_count:
max_count = count
most_common_delim = delim
logger.debug("Failed to parse a HXL hashtag row, so using most-common CSV delimiter \"%s\"", most_common_delim)
return most_common_delim
class JSONInput(AbstractInput):
"""Iterable: Read raw JSON rows from an input stream.
Can handle both row-style and object-style JSON, and will detect
it from the data. Will also search through the data to find
something that looks like rows of data, or can use an explicit
selector (either a top-level property name or a JSONPath
statement) to find the data rows.
with hxl.input.JSONInput(open("data.json", "r")) as json:
for raw_row in json:
def __init__(self, input, input_options):
input (io.IOBase): an input byte stream
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
# values to be set by _scan_data_element
self.type = None
self.headers = []
self.show_headers = False
# read the JSON data from the stream
with io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=input_options.encoding) as _input:
self.json_data = self._select(input_options.selector, json.load(_input, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict))
if not self._scan_data_element(self.json_data):
self.json_data = self._search_data(self.json_data)
if self.json_data is None:
raise HXLParseException("Could not usable JSON data (need array of objects or array of arrays)")
def __iter__(self):
"""@returns: an iterator over raw HXL data (arrays of scalar values)"""
return JSONInput._JSONIter(self)
def _select(self, selector, data):
"""Find the JSON matching the selector"""
if selector is None:
# no selector
return data
elif hxl.datatypes.is_token(selector):
# legacy selector (top-level JSON object property)
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise HXLParseException("Expected a JSON object at the top level for simple selector {}".format(selector))
if selector not in data:
raise HXLParseException("Selector {} not found at top level of JSON data".format(selector))
return data[selector]
# full JSONpath
path = jsonpath_ng.ext.parse(selector)
matches = path.find(data)
if len(matches) == 0:
raise HXLParseException("No matches for JSONpath {}".format(selector))
# Tricky: we have multiple matches
# Do we want a list of all matches, or just the first match?
# Try to guess from the first value matched
values = [match.value for match in matches]
if len(values) > 0 and self._scan_data_element(values[0]):
return values[0]
return values
raise HXLParseException("JSONPath results for {} not usable as HXL data".format())
def _scan_data_element(self, data_element):
"""Scan a data sequence to see if it's a list of lists or list of arrays.
@param data_element: JSON item to scan
@returns: True if this is usable as HXL input
# JSON data must be an array at the top level
if not hxl.datatypes.is_list(data_element):
return False
# scan the array to see if its elements are consistently arrays or objects
for item in data_element:
if isinstance(item, dict):
if self.type == 'array':
# detect mixed values (array and object)
return False
# looking at objects
self.type = 'object'
self.show_headers = True
for key in item:
if not key in self.headers:
elif isinstance(item, and not isinstance(item, six.string_types):
if self.type == 'object':
#detect mixed values (object and array)
return False
# looking at array
self.type = 'array'
# scalar value always fails (we need a JSON list of arrays or objects)
return False
return True # if we haven't failed yet, then let's use this
def _search_data(self, data):
"""Recursive, breadth-first search for usable tabular data (JSON array of arrays or array of objects)
@param data: top level of the JSON data to search
@returns: the
if hxl.datatypes.is_list(data):
data_in = data
elif isinstance(data, dict):
data_in = data.values()
return None
# search the current level
for item in data_in:
if self._scan_data_element(item):
return item
# recursively search the children
for item in data_in:
data_out = self._search_data(item)
if data_out is not None:
return data_out
return None # didn't find anything
class _JSONIter:
"""Iterator over JSON data"""
def __init__(self, outer):
self.outer = outer
self._iterator = iter(self.outer.json_data)
def __next__(self):
"""Return the next row in a tabular view of the data."""
if self.outer.show_headers:
# Add the header row first if reading an array of JSON objects
self.outer.show_headers = False
row = self.outer.headers
elif self.outer.type == 'object':
# Construct a row in an array of JSON objects
obj = next(self._iterator)
row = [hxl.datatypes.flatten(obj.get(header)) for header in self.outer.headers]
elif self.outer.type == 'array':
# Simply dump a row in an array of JSON arrays
row = [hxl.datatypes.flatten(value) for value in next(self._iterator)]
raise StopIteration()
return row
class ExcelInput(AbstractInput):
"""Iterable: Read raw XLS or XLSX (Excel) rows from a temporary file object
If there is no sheet number specified, will scan the Excel
workbook for the first sheet containing HXL hashtags; if that
fails, will use the first sheet in the workbook.
def __init__(self, contents, input_options, url_or_filename=None):
contents: contents of the Excel file
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
url_or_filename (string): the original URL or filename or None
self.url_or_filename = url_or_filename
self.is_repeatable = True
self.contents = contents
self._workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=contents, on_demand=False, ragged_rows=True)
sheet_index = self.input_options.sheet_index
if sheet_index is None:
sheet_index = self._find_hxl_sheet_index()
self._sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index)
self.merged_values = {}
def info (self):
""" See method doc for parent class """
def hash_headers (raw_row):
""" Create a hash just for the first row of values
md5 = hashlib.md5()
for value in raw_row:
return md5.hexdigest()
result = {
"url_or_filename": self.url_or_filename,
"format": "XLSX" if self._workbook.biff_version == 0 else "XLS",
"sheets": [],
for sheet_index in range(0, self._workbook.nsheets):
sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index)
columns = self._get_columns(sheet)
sheet_info = {
"is_hidden": (sheet.visibility > 0),
"nrows": sheet.nrows,
"ncols": sheet.ncols,
"has_merged_cells": (len(sheet.merged_cells) > 0),
"is_hxlated": (columns is not None),
"header_hash": hash_headers(self._get_row(sheet, 0)) if sheet.nrows > 0 else None,
"hashtag_hash": hxl.model.Column.hash_list(columns) if columns else None,
return result
def __iter__(self):
return ExcelInput._ExcelIter(self)
def _find_hxl_sheet_index(self):
"""Scan for a tab containing a HXL dataset."""
logger.debug("No Excel sheet specified; scanning for HXL hashtags")
for sheet_index in range(0, self._workbook.nsheets):
logger.debug("Trying Excel sheet %d for HXL hashtags", sheet_index)
sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index)
if self._get_columns(sheet):
logger.debug("Found HXL hashtags in Excel sheet %d", sheet_index)
return sheet_index
# if no sheet has tags, default to the first one for now
logger.debug("No HXL hashtags found; defaulting to Excel sheet 0")
return 0
def _get_columns(self, sheet):
""" Return a list of column objects if a sheet has HXL hashtags in the first 25 rows """
previous_row = None
for row_index in range(0, min(25, sheet.nrows)):
raw_row = self._get_row(sheet, row_index)
tags = hxl.model.Column.parse_list(raw_row, previous_row)
if tags:
return tags
previous_row = raw_row
return None
def _get_sheet(self, index):
"""Try opening a sheet, and raise an exception if it's not possible"""
if index >= self._workbook.nsheets:
raise HXLIOException("Excel sheet index out of range 0-{}".format(self._workbook.nsheets))
return self._workbook.sheet_by_index(index)
def _get_row(self, sheet, index):
row = sheet.row(index)
return [self._fix_value(cell) for cell in row]
def _fix_value(self, cell):
"""Clean up an Excel value for CSV-like representation."""
if cell.value is None or cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY:
return ''
elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER:
# let numbers be integers if possible
if float(cell.value).is_integer():
return int(cell.value)
return cell.value
elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
# dates need to be formatted
data = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell.value, 0)
return '{0[0]:04d}-{0[1]:02d}-{0[2]:02d}'.format(data)
return cell.value
elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN:
return int(cell.value)
else: # XL_CELL_TEXT, or anything else
return cell.value
def _do_expand (self, row_num, col_num, value):
""" Repeat a value in a merged section, if necessary.
if self.input_options.expand_merged:
for merge in self._sheet.merged_cells:
row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = merge
if row_num in range(row_min, row_max) and col_num in range(col_min, col_max):
if row_num == row_min and col_num == col_min:
# top left == the value merged through all the cells
self.merged_values[(merge)] = value
return value
return self.merged_values[(merge)]
# default: unchanged
return value
class _ExcelIter:
"""Internal iterator class for reading through an Excel sheet multiple times."""
def __init__(self, outer):
self.outer = outer
self._row_index = 0
self._col_max = 0
def __next__(self):
if self._row_index < self.outer._sheet.nrows:
row = []
# process the actual cells
for col_index, cell in enumerate(self.outer._sheet.row(self._row_index)):
# keep track of maximum row length seen so far
if col_index >= self._col_max:
self._col_max = col_index + 1
# process and add the value
# fill in the row with empty values, up the the maximum length previously observed
# (this lets us expand merged areas at the end of the row, if needed)
for col_index in range(len(self.outer._sheet.row(self._row_index)), self._col_max):
self._row_index += 1
return row
raise StopIteration()
class ArrayInput(AbstractInput):
"""Iterable: read raw input from an array.
This is a simple placeholder class for dealing with a pre-parsed
array of rows in the same class hierarchy as the other classes
derived from hxl.input.AbstractInput. There is no value in using it
def __init__(self, data):
data (array): any iterable
super().__init__(input_options=None) = data
self.is_repeatable = True
def __iter__(self):
return iter(
# HXL semantic parsing
class HXLReader(hxl.model.Dataset):
"""Read HXL data from a raw input source
This class is the parser that reads raw rows of data from a
``hxl.input.AbstractInput`` class and looks for HXL semantics such as
hashtags and attributes. The object itself is a hxl.model.Dataset
that's available for iteration and filter chaining.
def __init__(self, input):
input (hxl.input.AbstractInput): an input source for raw data rows
self._input = input
# TODO - for repeatable raw input, start a new iterator each time
# TODO - need to figure out how to handle columns in a repeatable situation
self._iter = iter(self._input)
self._columns = None
self._source_row_number = -1 # TODO this belongs in the iterator
def __enter__(self):
"""Context-start support."""
if self._input:
return self
def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback):
"""Context-end support."""
if self._input:
self._input.__exit__(value, type, traceback)
def __iter__(self):
return HXLReader._HXLIter(self)
def is_cached(self):
"""If the low-level input is repeatable, then the data is cached.
"Repeatable" means that you can iterate over a dataset
multiple times. By default, the data is streaming, so it's
used up after one iteration.
bool: True if the data is repeatable.
#return self._input.is_repeatable
return False # FIXME until we know that HXLReader is repeatable
def columns(self):
"""List of columns
Overrides the method in the base class to allow lazy parsing of
HXL data.
list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects
if self._columns is None:
self._columns = self._find_tags()
return self._columns
def _find_tags(self):
Go fishing for the HXL hashtag row in the first 25 rows.
logger.debug("Scanning first 25 rows for HXL hashtags")
previous_row = []
for n in range(0,25):
logger.debug("Looking for hashtags in row %d", n)
raw_row = self._get_row()
columns = hxl.model.Column.parse_list(raw_row, previous_row)
if columns is not None:
logger.debug("HXL hashtags found in row %d", n)
return columns
previous_row = raw_row
except StopIteration:
raise HXLTagsNotFoundException()
def _get_row(self):
"""Parse a row of raw CSV data. Returns an array of strings."""
self._source_row_number += 1
return next(self._iter)
class _HXLIter:
"""Internal iterator class"""
def __init__(self, outer):
self.outer = outer
self.row_number = -1
def __next__(self):
""" Iterable function to return the next row of HXL values.
@returns: a L{hxl.model.Row}
@exception StopIterationException: at the end of the dataset
columns = self.outer.columns
values = self.outer._get_row()
self.row_number += 1
return hxl.model.Row(columns=columns, values=values, row_number=self.row_number, source_row_number=self.outer._source_row_number)
def from_spec(spec, allow_local_ok=False):
"""Build a full spec (including source) from a JSON-like data structure.
The JSON spec can have the following top-level properties:
- **input:** the source-data location (which is typically a URL or a nested JSON spec)
- **allow_local:** if 1 (true), allow local filenames
- **sheet_index:** the 0-based index of a sheet in an Excel workbook
- **timeout:** the number of seconds to wait before timing out an HTTP connection
- **verify_ssl:** if 0 (false), do not verify SSL certificates. This is useful for self-signed certificates.
- **http_headers:** an object (dictionary) of HTTP headers and values, e.g. for authorization.
- **encoding:** the character encoding to use (e.g. "utf-8")
- **tagger:** optional information for adding HXL hashtags to a non-HXL data source
- **recipe:** the filters to apply to the HXL data
The _tagger_ spec is an object with the following properties:
- **match_all:** if 1 (true), require complete matches for headers
- **default_tag:** use this HXL hashtag and attributes for any unmatched column
- **specs:** an object where each property is a header string, and each value is a HXL hashtag spec
"tagger": {
"match_all": 0,
"specs": {
"Country": "#country+name",
"ISO3": "#country+code",
"Cluster:" "#sector+cluster",
"Organisation": "#org"
The _recipe_ spec is is a list of filter objects, with different
properties for each filter type, and is documented at
"recipe:" [
"filter": "with_rows",
"queries": ["org=unicef"]
"filter": "count",
"tags": "adm1+name"
if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
# a JSON string (parse it first)
spec = json.loads(spec)
# source
input_spec = spec.get('input')
allow_local = spec.get('allow_local', False) and allow_local_ok
sheet_index = spec.get('sheet_index', None)
timeout = spec.get('timeout', None)
verify_ssl = spec.get('verify_ssl', True)
http_headers = spec.get('http_headers', None)
encoding = spec.get('encoding', None)
expand_merged = spec.get('expand_merged', False)
scan_ckan_resources = spec.get('scan_ckan_resources', False)
# recipe
tagger_spec = spec.get('tagger', None)
recipe_spec = spec.get('recipe', [])
if not input_spec:
raise hxl.HXLException("No input property specified.")
# set up the input
input = make_input(
input_options = InputOptions(
# autotag if requested
if tagger_spec:
source = hxl.converters.Tagger._load(input, tagger_spec)
source = HXLReader(input)
# compile the main recipe
return hxl.filters.from_recipe(
# URL-munging code
# This is where a lot of the magic happens, figuring out how to download
# machine readable data from difference specialised URLs.
def munge_url(url, input_options):
"""Munge a URL to get at underlying data for well-known types.
For example, if it's an HDX dataset, figure out the download
link for the first resource. If it's a Kobo survey, create an
export and get the download link (given an appropriate
authorization header).
This function ignores InputOptions.scan_ckan_resources -- the
scanning happens in So it's not exactly
equivalent to the URL that you would get via data().
url (str): the original URL to munge
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
str: the actual direct-download URL
hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorization
# Stage 1: unpack indirect links (requires extra HTTP requests)
# Is it a CKAN resource? (Assumes the v.3 API for now)
result = re.match(CKAN_URL, url)
if result:
logup("Using CKAN API to dereference", {"url": url})
url = _get_ckan_urls(,,, input_options)[0]
# Is it a Google Drive "open" URL?
result = re.match(GOOGLE_DRIVE_URL, url)
if result:
logup("HEAD request for Google Drive URL", {"url": url})
response = requests.head(url)
if response.is_redirect:
new_url = response.headers['Location']
logup("Google Drive redirect", {"url": url, "redirect": new_url})"Following Google Drive redirect to %s", new_url)
url = new_url
# Is it a Kobo survey?
result = re.match(KOBO_URL, url)
if result:
logup("Using KOBO API to dereference", {"url": url})
max_export_age_seconds = 4 * 60 * 60 # 4 hours; TODO: make configurable
url = _get_kobo_url(, url, input_options, max_export_age_seconds)
# Stage 2: rewrite URLs to get direct-download links
# Is it a Google *Sheet*?
result = re.match(GOOGLE_SHEETS_URL, url)
if result and not'/pub', url):
new_url = '{0}/export?format=csv&gid={1}'.format(,
logup("Rewriting Google Sheets URL", {"url": url, "rewrite_url": new_url})
url = new_url
new_url = '{0}/export?format=csv'.format(
logup("Rewriting Google Sheets URL", {"url": url, "rewrite_url": new_url})
url = new_url
return url
# Is it a Google Drive *file*?
result = re.match(GOOGLE_FILE_URL, url)
if not result:
result = re.match(GOOGLE_SHEETS_XLSX_URL, url)
if result and not'/pub', url):
url = '{}'.format("Google Drive direct file download URL: %s", url)
return url
# Is it a Dropbox URL?
result = re.match(DROPBOX_URL, url)
if result:
url = '{0}/{1}?dl=1'.format(,"Dropbox direct-download URL: %s", url)
return url
# Is it a HXL Proxy saved recipe?
result = re.match(HXL_PROXY_SAVED_URL, url)
if result:
url = '{0}/data/{1}.csv{2}'.format(,,"HXL Proxy saved-recipe URL: %s", url)
return url
# Is it a HXL Proxy args-based recipe?
result = re.match(HXL_PROXY_ARGS_URL, url)
if result:
url = '{0}/data.csv?{1}'.format(,"HXL Proxy direct-download URL: %s", url)
return url
# No changes
return url
def _get_ckan_urls(site_url, dataset_id, resource_id, input_options):
"""Look up a CKAN download URL starting from a dataset or resource page
If the link is to a dataset page, try the first resource. If it's
to a resource page, look up the resource's download link. Either
dataset_id or resource_id is required (will prefer resource_id
over dataset_id).
site_url (str): the CKAN site URL (e.g.
dataset_id (str): the CKAN dataset ID, or None if unavailable
resource_id (str): the CKAN resource ID, or None if unavailable
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
list of str: the direct-download URL for the CKAN dataset
result_urls = []
if resource_id:
# CKAN resource URL
ckan_api_query = '{}/api/3/action/resource_show?id={}'.format(site_url, resource_id)
logup("Trying CKAN API call", {"url": ckan_api_query})
ckan_api_result = requests.get(ckan_api_query, verify=input_options.verify_ssl, headers=input_options.http_headers).json()
if ckan_api_result['success']:
url = ckan_api_result['result']['url']
logup("Found candidate URL for CKAN dataset", {"url": url})
elif ckan_api_result['error']['__type'] == 'Authorization Error':
raise HXLAuthorizationException(
"Not authorised to read CKAN resource (is the dataset public?): {}".format(
raise HXLIOException(
"Unable to read HDX resource: {}".format(
# CKAN dataset (package) URL
ckan_api_query = '{}/api/3/action/package_show?id={}'.format(site_url, dataset_id)
ckan_api_result = requests.get(ckan_api_query, verify=input_options.verify_ssl, headers=input_options.http_headers).json()
if ckan_api_result['success']:
for resource in ckan_api_result['result']['resources']:
url = resource['url']
logup("Found candidate URL for CKAN dataset", {"url": url})
elif ckan_api_result['error']['__type'] == 'Authorization Error':
raise HXLAuthorizationException(
"Not authorised to read CKAN dataset (is it public?): {}".format(
raise HXLIOException(
"Unable to read CKAN dataset: {}".format(
return result_urls
def _get_kobo_url(asset_id, url, input_options, max_export_age_seconds=14400):
""" Create an export for a Kobo survey, then return the download link.
This will fail unless there's an Authorization: header including a Kobo
API token.
asset_id (str): the Kobo asset ID for the survey (extracted from the URL)
max_export_age_seconds (int): maximum age to reuse an existing export (defaults to 14,400 seconds, or 4 hours)
input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset.
str: the direct-download URL for the Kobo survey data export
hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if http_headers does not include a valid Authorization: header
# 1. Check current exports
params = {
"q": "source:{}".format(asset_id)
logup("Trying Kobo dataset", {"url": asset_id})
response = requests.get(
logup("Result for Kobo dataset", {"asset_id": asset_id, "status": response.status_code})
# check for errors
if (response.status_code == 403): # CKAN sends "403 Forbidden" for a private file
raise HXLAuthorizationException("Access not authorized", url=url)
exports = response.json()['results']
if len(exports) > 0:
export = exports[-1]
created = dateutil.parser.isoparse(export['date_created'])
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
age_in_seconds = (now - created).total_seconds()
# if less than four hours, and has a URL, use it (and stop here)
if export.get('result') and (age_in_seconds < max_export_age_seconds):
logup("Reusing existing Kobo export", {"asset_id": asset_id, "export": export['result']})
return export['result']
logup("Generating new Kobo export", {"asset_id": asset_id})
# 2. Create the export in Kobo
params = {
"source": "{}/".format(asset_id),
"type": "csv",
"lang": "en",
"fields_from_all_versions": False,
"hierarchy_in_labels": False,
"group_sep": ",",
response =
logup("Generated Kobo export", {"asset_id": asset_id, "status": response.status_code})
# check for errors
if (response.status_code == 403): # CKAN sends "403 Forbidden" for a private file
raise HXLAuthorizationException("Access not authorized", url=url)
info_url = response.json().get("url")
# 3. Look up the data record for the export to get the download URL
fail_counter = 0
while True:
with requests_cache.disabled():
logup("Getting info for Kobo export", {"url": info_url})
response = requests.get(
logup("Response for Kobo info", {"url": info_url, "status": response.status_code})
# check for errors
if (response.status_code == 403): # CKAN sends "403 Forbidden" for a private file
raise HXLAuthorizationException("Access not authorized", url=info_url)
url = response.json().get("result")
if url:"Kobo export URL: %s", url)
return url
fail_counter += 1
if fail_counter > 30:
raise HXLTimeoutException("Time out generating Kobo export (try again)", url)
logger.warning("Kobo export not ready; will try again")
# end
def data(data, input_options=None)
Convenience method for reading a HXL dataset.
If passed an existing Dataset, simply returns it. All args exception "data" are optional.
- a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
- options for reading a dataset.
- a data-access object
- if there's an error loading the data.
- if there's a structural error in the data.
- if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the
Expand source code
def data(data, input_options=None): """ Convenience method for reading a HXL dataset. If passed an existing Dataset, simply returns it. All args exception "data" are optional. Args: data: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name). input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset. Returns: hxl.model.Dataset: a data-access object Raises: IOError: if there's an error loading the data. hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data. hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg. """ logger.debug("HXL data from %s", str(data)) if isinstance(data, hxl.model.Dataset): # it's already HXL data return data elif isinstance(data, dict) and data.get('input'): """If it's a JSON-type spec, try parsing it.""" return hxl.input.from_spec(data, allow_local_ok=input_options is not None and input_options.allow_local) else: # kludge: if it's a CKAN dataset URL without a resource, # try to find a resource with hashtags (only if requested) if input_options and input_options.scan_ckan_resources: result = re.match(CKAN_URL, str(data)) if result and not # no resource logup(f"Using CKAN API to dereference", {"url": data}) resource_urls = _get_ckan_urls(,,, input_options) for resource_url in resource_urls: try: source =, input_options) source.columns # force HXLTagsNotFoundException if not HXLated return source except: pass return HXLReader(make_input(data, input_options))
def from_spec(spec, allow_local_ok=False)
Build a full spec (including source) from a JSON-like data structure.
The JSON spec can have the following top-level properties:
- input: the source-data location (which is typically a URL or a nested JSON spec)
- allow_local: if 1 (true), allow local filenames
- sheet_index: the 0-based index of a sheet in an Excel workbook
- timeout: the number of seconds to wait before timing out an HTTP connection
- verify_ssl: if 0 (false), do not verify SSL certificates. This is useful for self-signed certificates.
- http_headers: an object (dictionary) of HTTP headers and values, e.g. for authorization.
- encoding: the character encoding to use (e.g. "utf-8")
- tagger: optional information for adding HXL hashtags to a non-HXL data source
- recipe: the filters to apply to the HXL data
The tagger spec is an object with the following properties:
- match_all: if 1 (true), require complete matches for headers
- default_tag: use this HXL hashtag and attributes for any unmatched column
- specs: an object where each property is a header string, and each value is a HXL hashtag spec
"tagger": { "match_all": 0, "specs": { "Country": "#country+name", "ISO3": "#country+code", "Cluster:" "#sector+cluster", "Organisation": "#org" } }
The recipe spec is is a list of filter objects, with different properties for each filter type, and is documented at
"recipe:" [ { "filter": "with_rows", "queries": ["org=unicef"] }, { "filter": "count", "tags": "adm1+name" } ]
Expand source code
def from_spec(spec, allow_local_ok=False): """Build a full spec (including source) from a JSON-like data structure. The JSON spec can have the following top-level properties: - **input:** the source-data location (which is typically a URL or a nested JSON spec) - **allow_local:** if 1 (true), allow local filenames - **sheet_index:** the 0-based index of a sheet in an Excel workbook - **timeout:** the number of seconds to wait before timing out an HTTP connection - **verify_ssl:** if 0 (false), do not verify SSL certificates. This is useful for self-signed certificates. - **http_headers:** an object (dictionary) of HTTP headers and values, e.g. for authorization. - **encoding:** the character encoding to use (e.g. "utf-8") - **tagger:** optional information for adding HXL hashtags to a non-HXL data source - **recipe:** the filters to apply to the HXL data The _tagger_ spec is an object with the following properties: - **match_all:** if 1 (true), require complete matches for headers - **default_tag:** use this HXL hashtag and attributes for any unmatched column - **specs:** an object where each property is a header string, and each value is a HXL hashtag spec Example: ``` "tagger": { "match_all": 0, "specs": { "Country": "#country+name", "ISO3": "#country+code", "Cluster:" "#sector+cluster", "Organisation": "#org" } } ``` The _recipe_ spec is is a list of filter objects, with different properties for each filter type, and is documented at Example: ``` "recipe:" [ { "filter": "with_rows", "queries": ["org=unicef"] }, { "filter": "count", "tags": "adm1+name" } ] ``` """ if isinstance(spec, six.string_types): # a JSON string (parse it first) spec = json.loads(spec) # source input_spec = spec.get('input') allow_local = spec.get('allow_local', False) and allow_local_ok sheet_index = spec.get('sheet_index', None) timeout = spec.get('timeout', None) verify_ssl = spec.get('verify_ssl', True) http_headers = spec.get('http_headers', None) encoding = spec.get('encoding', None) expand_merged = spec.get('expand_merged', False) scan_ckan_resources = spec.get('scan_ckan_resources', False) # recipe tagger_spec = spec.get('tagger', None) recipe_spec = spec.get('recipe', []) if not input_spec: raise hxl.HXLException("No input property specified.") # set up the input input = make_input( raw_source=input_spec, input_options = InputOptions( allow_local=allow_local, sheet_index=sheet_index, timeout=timeout, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, http_headers=http_headers, encoding=encoding, expand_merged=expand_merged, scan_ckan_resources=scan_ckan_resources, ) ) # autotag if requested if tagger_spec: source = hxl.converters.Tagger._load(input, tagger_spec) else: source = HXLReader(input) # compile the main recipe return hxl.filters.from_recipe( source=source, recipe=recipe_spec )
def make_input(raw_source, input_options=None)
Figure out what kind of input to create.
This is a lower-level I/O function that sits beneath
. It figures out how to create row-by-row data from various sources (e.g. XLSX, Google Sheets, CSV, JSON), and returns an object for iterating through the rows.Example:
input = make_input("data.xlsx", InputOptions(allow_local=True)) for raw_row in input: process_row(raw_row) # each row will be a list of values
The raw source can be a URL or filename, an input stream, or an array.
- a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
- input_options for reading a dataset.
- a row-by-row input object (before checking for HXL hashtags)
- if there's an error loading the data.
- if there's a structural error in the data.
- if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the
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def make_input(raw_source, input_options=None): """Figure out what kind of input to create. This is a lower-level I/O function that sits beneath ``data()`` and ``tagger()``. It figures out how to create row-by-row data from various sources (e.g. XLSX, Google Sheets, CSV, JSON), and returns an object for iterating through the rows. Example: ``` input = make_input("data.xlsx", InputOptions(allow_local=True)) for raw_row in input: process_row(raw_row) # each row will be a list of values ``` The raw source can be a URL or filename, an input stream, or an array. Args: raw_source: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name). input_options (InputOptions): input_options for reading a dataset. Returns: hxl.input.AbstractInput: a row-by-row input object (before checking for HXL hashtags) Raises: IOError: if there's an error loading the data. hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data. hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg. """ def wrap_stream(stream): if hasattr(stream, 'mode') and 'b' not in stream.mode and hasattr(stream, 'buffer'): # if the stream has a rawio buffer, use it stream = stream.buffer if hasattr(stream, 'peek'): # already buffered return stream else: # need to wrap with a buffer stream = io_wrapper.RawIOWrapper(stream) return io.BufferedReader(io_wrapper.RawIOWrapper(stream)) def match_sigs(sig, sigs): for s in sigs: if sig.startswith(s): return True return False if input_options is None: input_options = InputOptions(allow_local=False, verify_ssl=True) # safe default if isinstance(raw_source, AbstractInput): # already an input source: no op return raw_source elif hasattr(raw_source, '__len__') and (not isinstance(raw_source, six.string_types)): # it's an array logger.debug('Making input from an array') return ArrayInput(raw_source) else: mime_type = None file_ext = None encoding = input_options.encoding url_or_filename = None fileno = None content_length = None if hasattr(raw_source, 'read'): # it's an input stream logger.debug('Making input from a stream') input = wrap_stream(raw_source) else: # assume a URL or filename logger.debug('Opening source %s as a URL or file', raw_source) # back to usual url_or_filename = raw_source (input, mime_type, file_ext, specified_encoding, content_length, fileno,) = open_url_or_file(raw_source, input_options) input = wrap_stream(input) # figure out the character encoding if encoding is None: # if no encoding was provided, use the inferred one if specified_encoding: encoding = specified_encoding if not encoding: # if we still have no character encoding, default to UTF-8 encoding = "utf-8" sig = input.peek(4)[:4] if (mime_type in HTML5_MIME_TYPES) or match_sigs(sig, HTML5_SIGS): raise HXLHTMLException( "Received HTML markup.\nCheck that the resource (e.g. a Google Sheet) is publicly readable.", url = url_or_filename ) if match_sigs(sig, XLS_SIGS) or match_sigs(sig, XLSX_SIGS): contents = try: # Is it really an XLS(X) file? logger.debug('Trying input from an Excel file') return ExcelInput(contents, input_options, url_or_filename=url_or_filename) except xlrd.XLRDError: # If not, see if it contains a CSV file if match_sigs(sig, ZIP_SIGS): # more-restrictive zf = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(contents), "r") for name in zf.namelist(): if os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower()==".csv": return CSVInput(wrap_stream(io.BytesIO(, input_options) raise HXLIOException("Cannot find CSV file or Excel content in zip archive") elif (mime_type in JSON_MIME_TYPES) or (file_ext in JSON_FILE_EXTS) or match_sigs(sig, JSON_SIGS): logger.debug('Trying to make input as JSON') return JSONInput(input, input_options) # fall back to CSV if all else fails if (not file_ext or (file_ext in CSV_FILE_EXTS)) and (not mime_type or (mime_type in CSV_MIME_TYPES)): logger.debug('Making input from CSV') return CSVInput(input, input_options) raise HXLIOException( 'Cannot process as data (extension: {}, MIME type: {})'.format( file_ext if file_ext else '<not provided>', mime_type if mime_type else '<not provided>', ), url_or_filename )
def tagger(data, specs, input_options=None, default_tag=None, match_all=False)
Open an untagged data source and add hashtags.
The specs are a list of pairs in the format ["header", "#hashtag"], e.g.
specs = [ ["Province", "#adm1+name"], ["P-code", "#adm1+code"], ["Organisation", "#org+name"], ["Cluster", "#sector+cluster"] ]
It is not necessary to match the headers in all columns, and if the "match_all" arg is False (the default), the header strings will match partial as well as complete header strings. Matching is always case- and whitespace-insensitive. Other args are identical to the data() function.
- a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name).
- a list of mapping pairs of headers and hashtags.
- if True, match the complete header string; otherwise, allow partial matches (default)
- options for reading a dataset.
- a data-access object subclassed from hxl.model.Dataset
- if there's an error loading the data.
- if there's a structural error in the data.
- if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the
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def tagger(data, specs, input_options=None, default_tag=None, match_all=False): """Open an untagged data source and add hashtags. The specs are a list of pairs in the format ["header", "#hashtag"], e.g. ``` specs = [ ["Province", "#adm1+name"], ["P-code", "#adm1+code"], ["Organisation", "#org+name"], ["Cluster", "#sector+cluster"] ] ``` It is not necessary to match the headers in all columns, and if the "match_all" arg is False (the default), the header strings will match partial as well as complete header strings. Matching is always case- and whitespace-insensitive. Other args are identical to the data() function. Args: data: a HXL data provider, file object, array, or string (representing a URL or file name). specs (list): a list of mapping pairs of headers and hashtags. match_all (bool): if True, match the complete header string; otherwise, allow partial matches (default) input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset. Returns: hxl.converters.Tagger: a data-access object subclassed from hxl.model.Dataset Raises: IOError: if there's an error loading the data. hxl.HXLException: if there's a structural error in the data. hxl.input.HXLAuthorizationException: if the source requires some kind of authorisation (possibly fixable by adding an Authorization: header to the ``http_headers`` arg. """ import hxl.converters return hxl.converters.Tagger( input=make_input(data, input_options), specs=specs, default_tag=default_tag, match_all=match_all ) )
def write_hxl(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True)
Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream in CSV format.
The output will be comma-separated CSV, in UTF-8 character encoding.
- an output byte stream
- a HXL data-access object
- if True (default), include text header row.
- if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row.
- if there's a problem writing the output
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def write_hxl(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True): """Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream in CSV format. The output will be comma-separated CSV, in UTF-8 character encoding. Args: output (io.IOBase): an output byte stream source (hxl.model.Dataset): a HXL data-access object show_headers (bool): if True (default), include text header row. show_tags (bool): if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row. Raises: IOError: if there's a problem writing the output """ for line in source.gen_csv(show_headers, show_tags): output.write(line)
def write_json(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False)
Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream.
The output will be JSON in one of two styles.
Row-style JSON (default):
[ ["Province", "Organisation", "Cluster"], ["#adm1+name", "#org", "#sector+cluster"], ["Coast", "Org A", "Health"], ["Plains", "Org B", "Education"], ["Mountains", "Org A", "Nutrition"] ]
Object-style JSON:
[ { "#adm1+name": "Coast", "#org": "Org A", "#sector+cluster": "Health" }, { "#adm1+name": "Plains", "#org": "Org B", "#sector+cluster": "Education" }, { "#adm1+name": "Mountains", "#org": "Org A", "#sector+cluster": "Nutrition" } ]
- an output byte stream
- a HXL data-access object
- if True (default), include text header row.
- if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row.
- if True, produce object-style JSON; otherwise, produce row-style JSON (default).
- if there's a problem writing the output
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def write_json(output, source, show_headers=True, show_tags=True, use_objects=False): """Serialize a HXL dataset to an output stream. The output will be JSON in one of two styles. Row-style JSON (default): ``` [ ["Province", "Organisation", "Cluster"], ["#adm1+name", "#org", "#sector+cluster"], ["Coast", "Org A", "Health"], ["Plains", "Org B", "Education"], ["Mountains", "Org A", "Nutrition"] ] ``` Object-style JSON: ``` [ { "#adm1+name": "Coast", "#org": "Org A", "#sector+cluster": "Health" }, { "#adm1+name": "Plains", "#org": "Org B", "#sector+cluster": "Education" }, { "#adm1+name": "Mountains", "#org": "Org A", "#sector+cluster": "Nutrition" } ] ``` Args: output (io.IOBase): an output byte stream source (hxl.model.Dataset): a HXL data-access object show_headers (bool): if True (default), include text header row. show_tags (bool): if True (default), include the HXL hashtag row. use_objects (bool): if True, produce object-style JSON; otherwise, produce row-style JSON (default). Raises: IOError: if there's a problem writing the output """ for line in source.gen_json(show_headers, show_tags, use_objects): output.write(line)
class AbstractInput (input_options)
Abstract base class for input classes.
All of the derived classes allow returning one row of raw data at a time from child classes, via normal iteration, and support context management ("with" statements). Each row is represented as a list of values. No semantic HXL processing has taken place yet at this stage.
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class AbstractInput(object): """Abstract base class for input classes. All of the derived classes allow returning one row of raw data at a time from child classes, via normal iteration, and support context management ("with" statements). Each row is represented as a list of values. No semantic HXL processing has taken place yet at this stage. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, input_options): super().__init__() self.input_options = input_options self.is_repeatable = False def info(self): """ Get information about the raw dataset. Uses low-level row-wise input, so the source doesn't have to be HXLated. The result will be a dict with info about the workbook: - format (e.g. "XLSX") - sheets (list) The following will appear for each sheet: - sheet_name (string) - is_hidden (boolean) - nrows (int) - ncols (int) - has_merged_cells (boolean) - is_hxlated (boolean) - header_hash (MD5 string) - hashtag hash (MD5 string, or null if not HXLated) (Currently supported only for Excel.) """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): return self def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback): pass
def info(self)
Get information about the raw dataset. Uses low-level row-wise input, so the source doesn't have to be HXLated.
The result will be a dict with info about the workbook:
- format (e.g. "XLSX")
- sheets (list)
The following will appear for each sheet:
- sheet_name (string)
- is_hidden (boolean)
- nrows (int)
- ncols (int)
- has_merged_cells (boolean)
- is_hxlated (boolean)
- header_hash (MD5 string)
- hashtag hash (MD5 string, or null if not HXLated)
(Currently supported only for Excel.)
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def info(self): """ Get information about the raw dataset. Uses low-level row-wise input, so the source doesn't have to be HXLated. The result will be a dict with info about the workbook: - format (e.g. "XLSX") - sheets (list) The following will appear for each sheet: - sheet_name (string) - is_hidden (boolean) - nrows (int) - ncols (int) - has_merged_cells (boolean) - is_hxlated (boolean) - header_hash (MD5 string) - hashtag hash (MD5 string, or null if not HXLated) (Currently supported only for Excel.) """ raise NotImplementedError()
class ArrayInput (data)
Iterable: read raw input from an array.
This is a simple placeholder class for dealing with a pre-parsed array of rows in the same class hierarchy as the other classes derived from hxl.input.AbstractInput. There is no value in using it alone.
- any iterable
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class ArrayInput(AbstractInput): """Iterable: read raw input from an array. This is a simple placeholder class for dealing with a pre-parsed array of rows in the same class hierarchy as the other classes derived from hxl.input.AbstractInput. There is no value in using it alone. """ def __init__(self, data): """ Args: data (array): any iterable """ super().__init__(input_options=None) = data self.is_repeatable = True def __iter__(self): return iter(
Inherited members
class CSVInput (input, input_options)
Iterable: read raw CSV rows from an input stream.
Supports context management.
with hxl.input.CSVInput(open("data.csv", "r")) as csv: for raw_row in csv: process_row(raw_row)
- a byte input stream
- options for reading a dataset.
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class CSVInput(AbstractInput): """Iterable: read raw CSV rows from an input stream. Supports context management. Example: ``` with hxl.input.CSVInput(open("data.csv", "r")) as csv: for raw_row in csv: process_row(raw_row) ``` """ _DELIMITERS = [",", "\t", ";", ":", "|"] """ CSV delimiters allowed """ def __init__(self, input, input_options): """ Args: input (io.IOBase): a byte input stream input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset. """ super().__init__(input_options) # guess the delimiter delimiter = CSVInput._detect_delimiter(input, input_options.encoding or "utf-8") self._input = io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=input_options.encoding, errors="replace") self._reader = csv.reader(self._input, delimiter=delimiter) def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback): self._input.close() def __iter__(self): return self._reader @staticmethod def _detect_delimiter(input, encoding): """Detect the CSV delimiter in use Grab the first 16K bytes, split into lines, then try splitting each line with each delimiter. The first one that yields a well-formed HXL hashtag row wins. If there is no winner, then choose the delimiter that appeared most often in the sample. @param input: the input byte stream (with a peek() method) @param encoding: the character encoding to use @returns a csv.Dialect object or string. """ raw = input.peek(16384) # Special case: there might be part of a multibyte Unicode character at the end for i in range(0, 7): try: sample = raw[:-1].decode(encoding, errors="replace") except Exception as e: continue break lines = re.split(r'\r?\n', sample) # first, try for a hashtag row logger.debug("No CSV delimiter specified; trying to autodetect by looking for a hashtag row") for row_index, line in enumerate(lines): if '#' in line: logger.debug("Row %d contains \"#\"", row_index) for delim in CSVInput._DELIMITERS: logger.debug("Trying delimiter \"%s\"", delim) fields = next(csv.reader([line], delimiter=delim)) if hxl.model.Column.parse_list(fields): logger.debug("Succeeded in parsing hashtags in row %d. Using \"%s\" as CSV delimiter", row_index, delim) return delim # if that fails, return the delimiter that appears most often most_common_delim = ',' max_count = -1 for delim in CSVInput._DELIMITERS: count = sample.count(delim) if count > max_count: max_count = count most_common_delim = delim logger.debug("Failed to parse a HXL hashtag row, so using most-common CSV delimiter \"%s\"", most_common_delim) return most_common_delim
Inherited members
class ExcelInput (contents, input_options, url_or_filename=None)
Iterable: Read raw XLS or XLSX (Excel) rows from a temporary file object
If there is no sheet number specified, will scan the Excel workbook for the first sheet containing HXL hashtags; if that fails, will use the first sheet in the workbook.
- contents of the Excel file
- options for reading a dataset.
- the original URL or filename or None
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class ExcelInput(AbstractInput): """Iterable: Read raw XLS or XLSX (Excel) rows from a temporary file object If there is no sheet number specified, will scan the Excel workbook for the first sheet containing HXL hashtags; if that fails, will use the first sheet in the workbook. """ def __init__(self, contents, input_options, url_or_filename=None): """ Args: contents: contents of the Excel file input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset. url_or_filename (string): the original URL or filename or None """ super().__init__(input_options) self.url_or_filename = url_or_filename self.is_repeatable = True self.contents = contents self._workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=contents, on_demand=False, ragged_rows=True) sheet_index = self.input_options.sheet_index if sheet_index is None: sheet_index = self._find_hxl_sheet_index() self._sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index) self.merged_values = {} def info (self): """ See method doc for parent class """ def hash_headers (raw_row): """ Create a hash just for the first row of values """ md5 = hashlib.md5() for value in raw_row: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() result = { "url_or_filename": self.url_or_filename, "format": "XLSX" if self._workbook.biff_version == 0 else "XLS", "sheets": [], } for sheet_index in range(0, self._workbook.nsheets): sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index) columns = self._get_columns(sheet) sheet_info = { "name":, "is_hidden": (sheet.visibility > 0), "nrows": sheet.nrows, "ncols": sheet.ncols, "has_merged_cells": (len(sheet.merged_cells) > 0), "is_hxlated": (columns is not None), "header_hash": hash_headers(self._get_row(sheet, 0)) if sheet.nrows > 0 else None, "hashtag_hash": hxl.model.Column.hash_list(columns) if columns else None, } result["sheets"].append(sheet_info) return result def __iter__(self): return ExcelInput._ExcelIter(self) def _find_hxl_sheet_index(self): """Scan for a tab containing a HXL dataset.""" logger.debug("No Excel sheet specified; scanning for HXL hashtags") for sheet_index in range(0, self._workbook.nsheets): logger.debug("Trying Excel sheet %d for HXL hashtags", sheet_index) sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index) if self._get_columns(sheet): logger.debug("Found HXL hashtags in Excel sheet %d", sheet_index) return sheet_index # if no sheet has tags, default to the first one for now logger.debug("No HXL hashtags found; defaulting to Excel sheet 0") return 0 def _get_columns(self, sheet): """ Return a list of column objects if a sheet has HXL hashtags in the first 25 rows """ previous_row = None for row_index in range(0, min(25, sheet.nrows)): raw_row = self._get_row(sheet, row_index) tags = hxl.model.Column.parse_list(raw_row, previous_row) if tags: return tags else: previous_row = raw_row return None def _get_sheet(self, index): """Try opening a sheet, and raise an exception if it's not possible""" if index >= self._workbook.nsheets: raise HXLIOException("Excel sheet index out of range 0-{}".format(self._workbook.nsheets)) else: return self._workbook.sheet_by_index(index) def _get_row(self, sheet, index): row = sheet.row(index) return [self._fix_value(cell) for cell in row] def _fix_value(self, cell): """Clean up an Excel value for CSV-like representation.""" if cell.value is None or cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY: return '' elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER: # let numbers be integers if possible if float(cell.value).is_integer(): return int(cell.value) else: return cell.value elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE: # dates need to be formatted try: data = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell.value, 0) return '{0[0]:04d}-{0[1]:02d}-{0[2]:02d}'.format(data) except: return cell.value elif cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN: return int(cell.value) else: # XL_CELL_TEXT, or anything else return cell.value def _do_expand (self, row_num, col_num, value): """ Repeat a value in a merged section, if necessary. """ if self.input_options.expand_merged: for merge in self._sheet.merged_cells: row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = merge if row_num in range(row_min, row_max) and col_num in range(col_min, col_max): if row_num == row_min and col_num == col_min: # top left == the value merged through all the cells self.merged_values[(merge)] = value return value else: return self.merged_values[(merge)] # default: unchanged return value class _ExcelIter: """Internal iterator class for reading through an Excel sheet multiple times.""" def __init__(self, outer): self.outer = outer self._row_index = 0 self._col_max = 0 def __next__(self): if self._row_index < self.outer._sheet.nrows: row = [] # process the actual cells for col_index, cell in enumerate(self.outer._sheet.row(self._row_index)): # keep track of maximum row length seen so far if col_index >= self._col_max: self._col_max = col_index + 1 # process and add the value row.append( self.outer._do_expand( self._row_index, col_index, self.outer._fix_value(cell) ) ) # fill in the row with empty values, up the the maximum length previously observed # (this lets us expand merged areas at the end of the row, if needed) for col_index in range(len(self.outer._sheet.row(self._row_index)), self._col_max): row.append( self.outer._do_expand( self._row_index, col_index, '', ) ) self._row_index += 1 return row else: raise StopIteration()
def info(self)
See method doc for parent class
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def info (self): """ See method doc for parent class """ def hash_headers (raw_row): """ Create a hash just for the first row of values """ md5 = hashlib.md5() for value in raw_row: md5.update(hxl.datatypes.normalise_space(value).encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() result = { "url_or_filename": self.url_or_filename, "format": "XLSX" if self._workbook.biff_version == 0 else "XLS", "sheets": [], } for sheet_index in range(0, self._workbook.nsheets): sheet = self._get_sheet(sheet_index) columns = self._get_columns(sheet) sheet_info = { "name":, "is_hidden": (sheet.visibility > 0), "nrows": sheet.nrows, "ncols": sheet.ncols, "has_merged_cells": (len(sheet.merged_cells) > 0), "is_hxlated": (columns is not None), "header_hash": hash_headers(self._get_row(sheet, 0)) if sheet.nrows > 0 else None, "hashtag_hash": hxl.model.Column.hash_list(columns) if columns else None, } result["sheets"].append(sheet_info) return result
class HXLAuthorizationException (message, url, is_ckan=False)
An authorisation error for a remote resource.
This exception means that the library was not allowed to read the remote resource. Sometimes adding an
HTTP header with a token will help.Args
- the error message
- the URL that triggered the exception
- if True, the error came from a CKAN instance
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class HXLAuthorizationException(HXLIOException): """ An authorisation error for a remote resource. This exception means that the library was not allowed to read the remote resource. Sometimes adding an ``Authorization:`` HTTP header with a token will help. """ def __init__(self, message, url, is_ckan=False): """ Args: message (str): the error message url (str): the URL that triggered the exception is_ckan (bool): if True, the error came from a CKAN instance """ super().__init__(message, url) self.is_ckan = is_ckan
- HXLIOException
- HXLException
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
Inherited members
class HXLIOException (message, url=None)
Base class for all HXL IO-related exceptions
- the error message
- the URL that caused the error (if relevant)
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class HXLIOException(hxl.HXLException, IOError): """ Base class for all HXL IO-related exceptions """ def __init__(self, message, url=None): """ Args: message (str): the error message url (str): the URL that caused the error (if relevant) """ super().__init__(message) self.url = url
- HXLException
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
- HXLAuthorizationException
- hxl.input.HXLHTMLException
- HXLParseException
- hxl.input.HXLTimeoutException
Inherited members
class HXLParseException (message, source_row_number=None, source_column_number=None, url=None)
A parsing error in a HXL dataset.
This exception means that something was wrong with the HXL tagging (or similar). The
will contain details, and if possible, there will be a column and row number to help the user locate the error.Args
- the error message
- the row number in the raw source data, if known.
- the column number in the raw source data, if known.
- the URL of the source data, if relevant.
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class HXLParseException(HXLIOException): """A parsing error in a HXL dataset. This exception means that something was wrong with the HXL tagging (or similar). The ``message`` will contain details, and if possible, there will be a column and row number to help the user locate the error. """ def __init__(self, message, source_row_number=None, source_column_number=None, url=None): """ Args: message (str): the error message source_row_number (int): the row number in the raw source data, if known. source_column_number (int): the column number in the raw source data, if known. url (str): the URL of the source data, if relevant. """ super().__init__(message, url) self.source_row_number = source_row_number self.source_column_number = source_column_number
- HXLIOException
- HXLException
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
Inherited members
class HXLReader (input)
Read HXL data from a raw input source
This class is the parser that reads raw rows of data from a
class and looks for HXL semantics such as hashtags and attributes. The object itself is a hxl.model.Dataset that's available for iteration and filter chaining.Args
- an input source for raw data rows
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class HXLReader(hxl.model.Dataset): """Read HXL data from a raw input source This class is the parser that reads raw rows of data from a ``hxl.input.AbstractInput`` class and looks for HXL semantics such as hashtags and attributes. The object itself is a hxl.model.Dataset that's available for iteration and filter chaining. """ def __init__(self, input): """ Args: input (hxl.input.AbstractInput): an input source for raw data rows """ self._input = input # TODO - for repeatable raw input, start a new iterator each time # TODO - need to figure out how to handle columns in a repeatable situation self._iter = iter(self._input) self._columns = None self._source_row_number = -1 # TODO this belongs in the iterator def __enter__(self): """Context-start support.""" if self._input: self._input.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, value, type, traceback): """Context-end support.""" if self._input: self._input.__exit__(value, type, traceback) def __iter__(self): return HXLReader._HXLIter(self) @property def is_cached(self): """If the low-level input is repeatable, then the data is cached. "Repeatable" means that you can iterate over a dataset multiple times. By default, the data is streaming, so it's used up after one iteration. Returns: bool: True if the data is repeatable. """ #return self._input.is_repeatable return False # FIXME until we know that HXLReader is repeatable @property def columns(self): """List of columns Overrides the method in the base class to allow lazy parsing of HXL data. Returns: list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects """ if self._columns is None: self._columns = self._find_tags() return self._columns def _find_tags(self): """ Go fishing for the HXL hashtag row in the first 25 rows. """ logger.debug("Scanning first 25 rows for HXL hashtags") previous_row = [] try: for n in range(0,25): logger.debug("Looking for hashtags in row %d", n) raw_row = self._get_row() columns = hxl.model.Column.parse_list(raw_row, previous_row) if columns is not None: logger.debug("HXL hashtags found in row %d", n) return columns previous_row = raw_row except StopIteration: pass raise HXLTagsNotFoundException() def _get_row(self): """Parse a row of raw CSV data. Returns an array of strings.""" self._source_row_number += 1 return next(self._iter) class _HXLIter: """Internal iterator class""" def __init__(self, outer): self.outer = outer self.row_number = -1 def __next__(self): """ Iterable function to return the next row of HXL values. @returns: a L{hxl.model.Row} @exception StopIterationException: at the end of the dataset """ columns = self.outer.columns values = self.outer._get_row() self.row_number += 1 return hxl.model.Row(columns=columns, values=values, row_number=self.row_number, source_row_number=self.outer._source_row_number)
Instance variables
var columns
List of columns
Overrides the method in the base class to allow lazy parsing of HXL data.
- a list of hxl.model.Column objects
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@property def columns(self): """List of columns Overrides the method in the base class to allow lazy parsing of HXL data. Returns: list: a list of hxl.model.Column objects """ if self._columns is None: self._columns = self._find_tags() return self._columns
var is_cached
If the low-level input is repeatable, then the data is cached.
"Repeatable" means that you can iterate over a dataset multiple times. By default, the data is streaming, so it's used up after one iteration.
- True if the data is repeatable.
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@property def is_cached(self): """If the low-level input is repeatable, then the data is cached. "Repeatable" means that you can iterate over a dataset multiple times. By default, the data is streaming, so it's used up after one iteration. Returns: bool: True if the data is repeatable. """ #return self._input.is_repeatable return False # FIXME until we know that HXLReader is repeatable
Inherited members
class HXLTagsNotFoundException (message='HXL tags not found in first 25 rows', url=None)
Specific parsing exception: no HXL tags.
This exception means that the library could find no HXL hashtags in the source data. Using the
function with tagging specs can resolve the problem.Args
- the error message
- the URL of the source data, if available
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class HXLTagsNotFoundException(HXLParseException): """ Specific parsing exception: no HXL tags. This exception means that the library could find no HXL hashtags in the source data. Using the ``tagger()`` function with tagging specs can resolve the problem. """ def __init__(self, message='HXL tags not found in first 25 rows', url=None): """ Args: message (str): the error message url (str): the URL of the source data, if available """ super().__init__(message, url)
- HXLParseException
- HXLIOException
- HXLException
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
Inherited members
class InputOptions (allow_local=False, sheet_index=None, timeout=None, verify_ssl=True, http_headers=None, selector=None, encoding=None, expand_merged=False, scan_ckan_resources=False)
Input options for datasets.
allow_local (bool): if true, allow opening local filenames as well as remote URLs (default: False). sheet_index (int): if supplied, use the specified 1-based index to choose a sheet from an Excel workbook (default: None) timeout (int): if supplied, time out an HTTP(S) request after the specified number of seconds with no data received (default: None) verify_ssl (bool): if False, don't verify SSL certificates (e.g. for self-signed certs). http_headers (dict): optional dict of HTTP headers to add to a request. selector (str): selector property for a JSON file (will later also cover tabs, etc.) encoding (str): force a character encoding, regardless of HTTP info etc expand_merged (bool): expand merged areas by repeating the value (Excel only) scan_ckan_resources (bool): for a CKAN dataset URL, scan all resources for the first HXLated one (defaults to just using first resource)
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class InputOptions: """ Input options for datasets. Properties: allow_local (bool): if true, allow opening local filenames as well as remote URLs (default: False). sheet_index (int): if supplied, use the specified 1-based index to choose a sheet from an Excel workbook (default: None) timeout (int): if supplied, time out an HTTP(S) request after the specified number of seconds with no data received (default: None) verify_ssl (bool): if False, don't verify SSL certificates (e.g. for self-signed certs). http_headers (dict): optional dict of HTTP headers to add to a request. selector (str): selector property for a JSON file (will later also cover tabs, etc.) encoding (str): force a character encoding, regardless of HTTP info etc expand_merged (bool): expand merged areas by repeating the value (Excel only) scan_ckan_resources (bool): for a CKAN dataset URL, scan all resources for the first HXLated one (defaults to just using first resource) """ def __init__ ( self, allow_local=False, sheet_index=None, timeout=None, verify_ssl=True, http_headers=None, selector=None, encoding=None, expand_merged=False, scan_ckan_resources=False ): self.allow_local = allow_local self.sheet_index = sheet_index self.timeout = timeout self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl self.http_headers = http_headers self.selector = selector self.encoding = encoding self.expand_merged = expand_merged self.scan_ckan_resources = scan_ckan_resources
class JSONInput (input, input_options)
Iterable: Read raw JSON rows from an input stream.
Can handle both row-style and object-style JSON, and will detect it from the data. Will also search through the data to find something that looks like rows of data, or can use an explicit selector (either a top-level property name or a JSONPath statement) to find the data rows.
with hxl.input.JSONInput(open("data.json", "r")) as json: for raw_row in json: process_row(raw_row)
- an input byte stream
- options for reading a dataset.
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class JSONInput(AbstractInput): """Iterable: Read raw JSON rows from an input stream. Can handle both row-style and object-style JSON, and will detect it from the data. Will also search through the data to find something that looks like rows of data, or can use an explicit selector (either a top-level property name or a JSONPath statement) to find the data rows. Example: ``` with hxl.input.JSONInput(open("data.json", "r")) as json: for raw_row in json: process_row(raw_row) ``` """ def __init__(self, input, input_options): """ Args: input (io.IOBase): an input byte stream input_options (InputOptions): options for reading a dataset. """ super().__init__(input_options) # values to be set by _scan_data_element self.type = None self.headers = [] self.show_headers = False # read the JSON data from the stream with io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=input_options.encoding) as _input: self.json_data = self._select(input_options.selector, json.load(_input, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)) if not self._scan_data_element(self.json_data): self.json_data = self._search_data(self.json_data) if self.json_data is None: raise HXLParseException("Could not usable JSON data (need array of objects or array of arrays)") def __iter__(self): """@returns: an iterator over raw HXL data (arrays of scalar values)""" return JSONInput._JSONIter(self) def _select(self, selector, data): """Find the JSON matching the selector""" if selector is None: # no selector return data elif hxl.datatypes.is_token(selector): # legacy selector (top-level JSON object property) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise HXLParseException("Expected a JSON object at the top level for simple selector {}".format(selector)) if selector not in data: raise HXLParseException("Selector {} not found at top level of JSON data".format(selector)) return data[selector] else: # full JSONpath path = jsonpath_ng.ext.parse(selector) matches = path.find(data) if len(matches) == 0: raise HXLParseException("No matches for JSONpath {}".format(selector)) else: # Tricky: we have multiple matches # Do we want a list of all matches, or just the first match? # Try to guess from the first value matched values = [match.value for match in matches] if len(values) > 0 and self._scan_data_element(values[0]): return values[0] else: return values raise HXLParseException("JSONPath results for {} not usable as HXL data".format()) def _scan_data_element(self, data_element): """Scan a data sequence to see if it's a list of lists or list of arrays. @param data_element: JSON item to scan @returns: True if this is usable as HXL input """ # JSON data must be an array at the top level if not hxl.datatypes.is_list(data_element): return False # scan the array to see if its elements are consistently arrays or objects for item in data_element: if isinstance(item, dict): if self.type == 'array': # detect mixed values (array and object) return False else: # looking at objects self.type = 'object' self.show_headers = True for key in item: if not key in self.headers: self.headers.append(key) elif isinstance(item, and not isinstance(item, six.string_types): if self.type == 'object': #detect mixed values (object and array) return False else: # looking at array self.type = 'array' else: # scalar value always fails (we need a JSON list of arrays or objects) return False return True # if we haven't failed yet, then let's use this def _search_data(self, data): """Recursive, breadth-first search for usable tabular data (JSON array of arrays or array of objects) @param data: top level of the JSON data to search @returns: the """ if hxl.datatypes.is_list(data): data_in = data elif isinstance(data, dict): data_in = data.values() else: return None # search the current level for item in data_in: if self._scan_data_element(item): return item # recursively search the children for item in data_in: data_out = self._search_data(item) if data_out is not None: return data_out return None # didn't find anything class _JSONIter: """Iterator over JSON data""" def __init__(self, outer): self.outer = outer self._iterator = iter(self.outer.json_data) def __next__(self): """Return the next row in a tabular view of the data.""" if self.outer.show_headers: # Add the header row first if reading an array of JSON objects self.outer.show_headers = False row = self.outer.headers elif self.outer.type == 'object': # Construct a row in an array of JSON objects obj = next(self._iterator) row = [hxl.datatypes.flatten(obj.get(header)) for header in self.outer.headers] elif self.outer.type == 'array': # Simply dump a row in an array of JSON arrays row = [hxl.datatypes.flatten(value) for value in next(self._iterator)] else: raise StopIteration() return row
Inherited members