Module hxl.util
Other misc utilities
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""" Other misc utilities
import logging
import sys
import structlog
def logup(msg, props={}, level="info"):
Adds the function name on the fly for the log
msg: the actual log message
props: additional properties for the log
input_logger = structlog.wrap_logger(logging.getLogger('hxl.REMOTE_ACCESS'))
props['function'] = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
levels = {
"critical": 50,
"error": 40,
"warning": 30,
"info": 20,
"debug": 10
input_logger.log(level=levels[level], event=msg, **props)
def logup(msg, props={}, level='info')
Adds the function name on the fly for the log
- the actual log message
- additional properties for the log
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def logup(msg, props={}, level="info"): """ Adds the function name on the fly for the log Args: msg: the actual log message props: additional properties for the log """ input_logger = structlog.wrap_logger(logging.getLogger('hxl.REMOTE_ACCESS')) props['function'] = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name levels = { "critical": 50, "error": 40, "warning": 30, "info": 20, "debug": 10 } input_logger.log(level=levels[level], event=msg, **props)