Package hxl

Support library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL), version 1.1.

This library provides support for parsing, validating, cleaning, and transforming humanitarian datasets that follow the HXL standard. Its use will be familiar to developers who have worked with libraries like JQuery.


import hxl
data ='data.xlsx', True).with_rows('org=UNICEF').without_columns('contact').count('country')

This two-line script performs the following actions:

  1. Load and parse the spreadsheet data.xlsx (the library can also load from any URL, and understands how to read Google spreadsheets or CKAN resources).

  2. Filter out all rows where the value "UNICEF" doesn't appear under the #org (organisation) hashtag.

  3. Strip out personally-identifiable information by removing all columns with the #contact hashtag (e.g. #contact+name or #contact+phone or #contact+email).

  4. Produce a report showing the number of times each unique #country appears in the resulting sheet (e.g. to count the number of activities being conducted by UNICEF in each country).

Command-line scripts

The various filters are also available as command-line scripts, so you could perform the same actions as above in a shell script like this:

$ cat data.xlsx | hxlselect -q 'org=UNICEF' | hxlcut -x contact | hxlcount -t country

For more information about scripts, see the documentation for hxl.scripts, or invoke any script with the -h option.


Several identifiers are imported into this top-level package for typing convenience, including TagPattern, Dataset, Column, Row, RowQuery, data(), tagger(), HXLParseException, write_hxl(), make_input(), InputOptions, from_spec(), schema(), validate(), and HXLValidationException.

Next steps

To get started, read the documentation for the data() function and the Dataset class.

About this module

Author: David Megginson

Organisation: UN OCHA

License: Public Domain

Started: Started August 2014



Expand source code
"""Support library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL), version 1.1.

This library provides support for parsing, validating, cleaning, and
transforming humanitarian datasets that follow the [HXL
standard]( Its use will be familiar to
developers who have worked with libraries like

### Example

import hxl
data ='data.xlsx', True).with_rows('org=UNICEF').without_columns('contact').count('country')

This two-line script performs the following actions:

  1. Load and parse the spreadsheet ``data.xlsx`` (the library can
     also load from any URL, and understands how to read Google
     spreadsheets or [CKAN]( resources).

  2. Filter out all rows where the value "UNICEF" doesn't appear under
     the ``#org`` (organisation) hashtag.

  3. Strip out personally-identifiable information by removing all
     columns with the ``#contact`` hashtag (e.g. ``#contact+name`` or
     ``#contact+phone`` or ``#contact+email``).

  4. Produce a report showing the number of times each unique
     ``#country`` appears in the resulting sheet (e.g. to count the
     number of activities being conducted by UNICEF in each country).

### Command-line scripts

The various filters are also available
as command-line scripts, so you could perform the same actions as
above in a shell script like this:

$ cat data.xlsx | hxlselect -q 'org=UNICEF' | hxlcut -x contact | hxlcount -t country

For more information about scripts, see the documentation for
`hxl.scripts`, or invoke any script with the ``-h`` option.

### Imports

Several identifiers are imported into this top-level package for
typing convenience, including `hxl.model.TagPattern`,
`hxl.model.Dataset`, `hxl.model.Column`, `hxl.model.Row`,
`hxl.model.RowQuery`, ``, `hxl.input.tagger`,
`hxl.input.HXLParseException`, `hxl.input.write_hxl`,
`hxl.input.make_input`, `hxl.input.InputOptions`,
`hxl.input.from_spec`, `hxl.validation.schema`,
`hxl.validation.validate`, and

### Next steps

To get started, read the documentation for the `` function and
the `hxl.model.Dataset` class. 

### About this module

**Author:** David Megginson

**Organisation:** UN OCHA

**License:** Public Domain

**Started:** Started August 2014




import sys

if sys.version_info < (3,):
    raise RuntimeError("libhxl requires Python 3 or higher")

"""Module version number

# Flatten out common items for easier access

class HXLException(Exception):
    """Base class for all HXL-related exceptions."""

    def __init__(self, message, data={}):
        """Create a new HXL exception.

            message (str): error message for the exception
            data (dict): properties associated with the exception (default {})
        super(Exception, self).__init__(message)

        self.message = message
        """The human-readable error message.""" = data
        """Additional properties related to the error."""

    def __str__(self):
        return "<{}: {}>".format(type(self).__name__, str(self.message))

import hxl.geo
import hxl.datatypes
from hxl.model import TagPattern, Dataset, Column, Row, RowQuery
from hxl.input import data, tagger, HXLParseException, write_hxl, make_input, InputOptions, from_spec
from hxl.validation import schema, validate, HXLValidationException

# end




Data-conversion classes …


Utility functions for testing and normalising scalar-ish data types …


Data filter classes for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) v1.0 …


Geodata operations …


Input/output library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) v1.0 …


Main data-model classes for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) …


Console scripts David Megginson April 2015 …


Other misc utilities


Validation code for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) v1.0 David Megginson Started October 2014 …


class HXLException (message, data={})

Base class for all HXL-related exceptions.

Create a new HXL exception.


message : str
error message for the exception
data : dict
properties associated with the exception (default {})
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class HXLException(Exception):
    """Base class for all HXL-related exceptions."""

    def __init__(self, message, data={}):
        """Create a new HXL exception.

            message (str): error message for the exception
            data (dict): properties associated with the exception (default {})
        super(Exception, self).__init__(message)

        self.message = message
        """The human-readable error message.""" = data
        """Additional properties related to the error."""

    def __str__(self):
        return "<{}: {}>".format(type(self).__name__, str(self.message))


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


Instance variables

var data

Additional properties related to the error.

var message

The human-readable error message.